
Otto Eduard Heinrich Wucherer, Brazilian physician and naturalist (Porto, Portugal 07 July 1820 – Salvador 07 May 1873)

From German father and Flemish mother 


Observed embryos of microfilariae in urine later named Wuchereria bancrofti (1866)

Described anatomical pathology of ainhum or Silva Lima disease 

Authored Sobre o modo de conhecer as cobras venenosas in Gazeta Medica da Bahia 17:193-6, 1867, translated and published in Europe 

Set up morphological rules to identifying poisonous snakes

Described typical symptoms of snake bite poisoning 

Predicted the serum therapy for snake bites

Described 2 new valid snake species: Atractus guentheri &  Xenopholis scalaris (1861) 


Wuchereria Silva Araújo 1877 (Nematoda)