
Paul Friedrich Karl Groeber, German-born Argentine geologist and stratigrapher (Strasbourg 13 July 1885 – San Isidro, Buenos Aires Province 16 June 1964)

Documented the basic structures and magmatic cycles related to the deformation and uplift of Andean mountain range

Recognized the main depositional sequences, the different uplift pulses and the migrations in volcanic activity of the region


Observaciones geologicas a lo largo del meridiano 70 (1946-7)

Lineas fundamentales de la geologia del Neuquén, sur de Mendoza y regiones adyacentes (1929)

Estratigrafia del dogger en la Republica Argentina (1918)

Edad y extensión de las estructuras entre San Juan y Nahuel Huapi (1918)

HONORS (Fossil)

Groeberella Leanza 1993 & Groebericeras Leanza 1945 (Mollusca)

Groeberia Patterson 1952 & Groebertherium Bonaparte 1986 (Mammalia)