Paulo Eneas Galvão, Brazilian physiologist (Petrópolis, Rio de Janeiro State 08 June 1902 – São Paulo 12 January 1978)
Authored about 50 works
Obtained international recognition for his studies on metabolism in tropical zones and vitamin B role in cell oxidations of nervous tissues
Showed the role that plays the vitamin B in cell oxidations of nervous tissue with international attention
With D.M. Cardoso. Estudos sobre as oxidações na avitaminose B e no jejum. Arch. Inst. Biol. 3:219-48, 1930
With J. Pereira Jr. Uber den Einfluss der Milchsaure auf die Gehirnatmung der Saugetiere bei avitaminose B. Bioch. Z. 289:136-42, 1936
With J. Pereira Jr. Quociente de oxidação de acido láctico do isthmo do encéfalo de aves normais e em avitaminose B1. Arqu. Inst. Biol. 1940.
With J. Pereira Jr. & J.P. Limongi. Lactic acid oxidation quotient in minced brain of normal and avitaminotic chicken. J. Biol. Chem. 157:667-71, 1945
With J. Pereira Jr. developed a technique for dog central nervous system deprivation by compression with sodium chloride hypertonic solution (1942)
With J. Pereira Jr comproved that the body only responds to drugs that act independent of reflex mechanisms
Showed that the Rubner-Richet surface law is not applicable to the inhabitants of tropical zone
Sobre a aplicação intraespecífica da lei da superfície nas regiões tropicais. Thesis, Instituto Biológico, São Paulo (1942)
Human heat production in relation to body weight and body surface. I. Inapplicability of the surface law on men of the tropical zone. J. Appl. Physiol. 1:385-94, 1948
Human heat production in relation to body weight and body surface. II. Inapplicability of the surface law on men of the tropical zone. J. Appl. Physiol. 1:395, 1948
Human heat production in relation to body weight and body surface. III. Inapplicability of the surface law on men of the tropical zone. J. Appl. Physiol. 3:21-8, 1950
Proved that human oxygen uptake rate in tropical zones depends on metabolically active weight
Demonstrated that basal metabolism should be computed by hour and kilogram of metabolically active tissue (p=P0,83), being P the weight in kilograms
Produção de calor em relação ao peso e a superfície corporal. Arqu. Inst. Biol. 1951-2
Developed a method for dosage of lactic acid
With C. H. Florence & J. Pereira. Modificação do método permanganico-iodo-metrico para a dosagem do acido latico. Arch. Inst. Biol. 9:39-50, 1938.