
Paulo Seabra, Brazilian pharmacist (Resende, Rio de Janeiro State 03 January 1899 – Rio de Janeiro 02 June 1968) 


Modified Loele staining process (Loele-Seabra method) for detecting acid-fast bacilli

Oxidase and Lipase of the Leukocyte. Annals of New York acad. Sci. 59:1022-51, 1955.

Developed lipase index of tuberculosis

Sugestão de um cadastro lipásico para a profilaxia da tuberculose. Bol. Campanha Nac. Contra Tuberc. Junho, 1952.

Lipasekataster. Zeit. Hyg. 140:573-7, 1955.

Created Seabra lipasic reagent

Established oxidase index, a numerical expression of the leukocytic oxidase

Indice de Oxidase. Resultado de 334 determinações. Bol. Acad. Nac. Medicina 3(9):, 1939.

Worked out a photo-oxidase test

Developed a radiokymograph

Ein Röntgenkymograph. Rev. Bras. Tuberculose 6:737-47, 1937.

Contribuição para o estabelecimento de um processo para preparação do acido nítrico

Um gotinyector

Um radioquimógrafo

Vaselina liquida como protetor anti-oxigenio

Obtained colloidal cupric salts from acids of chaulmoogra oil developing 2 pharmaceutical products (Karpotran and Gadusan) that were employed in worldwide hospitals

Performed important researches on biological and psychological effects of high-altitude flying

Oxidase in biology and in flying research. Med. Times, 1943.

Oxidase   and aviation. Influence of atmospheric decompression on the blood oxidase and resistence to infection. Aviat. Med. 18:289-96, 1947. 

Patented Anti-rheumatic mixture and method of preparing. US2790746A (1954)