Paulus Aulus Pompéia, Brazilian physicist and engineer (Sorocaba, São Paulo State 01 October 1911 – 10 February 1993)
Discovered penetrating showers in cosmic rays with Wataghin and Santos
With G. Wataghin & M.D. S. Santos. Simultaneous penetrating particles in the cosmic radiation I. Physical Review 57:61, 1940.
With G. Wataghin & M.D. S. Santos. Simultaneous penetrating particles in the cosmic radiation. II. Physical review 57:339, 1940.
Proposed criteria for distribution problems related to statistical physics
Distribution problems related to statistical physics. An. Acad. Bras. Cien. 27(2):123-36, 1955
Introduced new criteria of randomness
With A. de Moraes. Time distribution analysis related to Statistical Physics. Anais da Acad. Bras. Ciencias 33:13-23, 1961.
Developed with Souza Santos a new kind of ultrasonic sonar for detecting submarines employing pre-oriented ferromagnetic crystals
With Souza Santos developed a special thermostat that works on the gasoline dilation for controlling the temperature of cooling crystals
With Souza Santos developed portable radios for jeeps and military trucks
Developed a pulse transmission system in high-resolution coincidence circuits
With N. Hilbery. A cathode following amplifier for pulse transmission in high resolving time coincidence circuits. Symposium on Cosmic Rays, Acad. Bras. Ciencias, 157-9, 1943.
Constructed a counter outfit to measure the lifetime of the mesotron
With E. O. Wollan. An electrical timing circuit to control a cloud chamber. Symposium on Cosmic Rays, Acad. Bras. Ciencias, 161-2, 1943.
Developed an efficient method for determining initial velocity of projectiles and a device suited to this purpose (with an accuracy of 0,4%)