
Pedro Escudero Osacar, Argentine physician (Buenos Aires 11 August 1877 – Buenos Aires 23 January 1963)

Enunciated 4 fundamental laws in nutrition on quantity, quality, harmony and goodness of fit

Proposed a new enunciate of growth laws

Nuevo enunciado de las leyes del crecimiento (1940)

Established the concept of normal feeding and the nutritive requirements at distinct biological conditions

Established the concept of normal calories

Established the evolutive concept of feeding in healthy and sick human

Formulated feeding-based laws that govern the human development since childhood

Established the concept of non-specific profilaxis

With F.A. Puchulu established the concept of latent diabetes (1927) 

Determinated methods and procedures for dietetic prescription for all kinds of patients

With M.E. Varela performed one of the first studies on normal myelogram 

Forma de estabelecer o custo da alimentação: um padrão universal. Rev. Med. Bras. 18:519-23, 1945


Escudero syndrome or primitive erythrocytosis

Escudero test for functional depletion of pancreas

Escudero hyperglycemy test

Escudero-Tobías sign

Escudero-Nemenov sign (a radiological sign for hidatosis)

Escudero method for computing total energy value of foods (1931)

Escudero test for gout and atherosclerosis

Escudero reaction for lipemia

Escudero reaction for determining fatty acids in oxalated blood

Escudero sign in sympathetic hiperarousal 

Escudero milk mixture

Escudero formula for determination of energy intake  (Mb/Pa x Pt=Ca – básicas)


Sinergias fisiologicas y sinergias morbidas (1902)

Kystes hidatiques du poumon (1912)

Tratado de la diabetes (1927)

Diabetes aglucosúrica, diabetes oculta; diabetes latente (1930)

Influencia de la alimentación sobre la raza. La Prensa 27 March 1933

With A. Escudero & M.L. Herraiz. Valor mineral y vitaminico de la yerba mate (Ilex paraguayensis). Rev. Soc. Bras. Quim. 14(2):5, 1945

Tablas de la Composicion Quimica de los Alimentos. Publ. Inst. Nac. Nutricion. Bs. Aires (1945)

La carne: alimento obligado y de alta nutrición

Lecciones de Clinica Medica