Pedro Lagleyze Gastelú, Argentine ophthalmologist (Buenos Aires 03 September 1855 – Buenos Aires 14 August 1916)
Son of French immigrants
Described the aneurismatic degeneration of the retinal arteries or Lagleyze-Von Hippel disease (1888)
Developed surgical procedures and instruments
An operation for entropion for upper and lower eyelid (Lagleyze technique)
Operation for entropion and trichiasis by a new method. Ann. Ophthalm. St. Louis 14:473-7, 1905
A tucking operation of the eye for strabismus with muscle shortening (Lagleyze method)
Nuevo procedimiento para el acortamiento muscular en el estrabismo (1891)
Placing ocular prosthesis employing paraffin spheres after nucleation (Lagleyze method)
A procedure for pterygion
Transconjunctival approach for treatment of cysts (1884)
Auto-ophthalmoscopic procedure
Amputation of anterior segment of ocular globe
Lagleyze needle
A device for demonstrating ocular refraction states