Pisharoth Rama Pisharoty, Indian physicist and meteorologist (Kollengode, Kerala State 10 February 1909 – Pune 24 September 2002)
Authored over 100 publications
Found that the Indian summer monsoon is a delayed response to the inadequate poleward transport of heat in the Northern Hemisphere during the antecedent winter
Showed the consequences that mid-latitude low pressure systems moving eastward across the Northern Himalaya cause
A standard atmosphere for the tropics. Ind. J. Met. Gephys. 10 (1959)
Radio isotope techniques for the measurement of river bed variations. Proceed. Symp. Hydrometeorol. India (1964)
With C.V. Raman & P. Nilakantan. Quantum theory of x-ray reflection. Nature (1947)
IMO Prize (1989)