
Qingcun Zeng, Chinese atmospheric scientist (Yangjiang County, Guangdong Province 04 May 1935 –

Considered as one of the founders of modern numerical weather forecast

Formulated systematic theories of atmospheric evolution processes and wave ensemble dynamics

Initiated the computational geophysical fluid dynamics

Developed semi-implicit difference scheme and “take-off” method of standard stratification widely used for numerical weather prediction and climatic simulations (1961)

Made the real weather forecasts by using the primitive equations (1961)

Exposed a hydrostatic extraction approach (1963)

Proposed the time-scale separability and interaction between the process of geostrophic adjustment and quasi-geostrophic evolution (1963)

His theory of numerical weather prediction is the basis of the global numerical weather prediction technology

The mathematical and physical basis of numerical weather prediction (1979)

Developed numerical models as such the atmosphere circulation model with a horizontal resolution of 5º\4º

A test for the difference scheme of a general circulation model. Acta Meteorol. Sinica 43(4):441-9, 1985

Extended the nonlinear stability theorem of two-dimensional incompressible ideal fluid proposed by Arnold to the general variational principle of instability in atmospheric motion

Variational principle of instability of atmospheric motions. Adv. Atm. Sci. 6(2):137-72, 1989

Proposed the natural cybernetics, a theoretical framework unifying the prediction and regulation of regional atmosphere-environment as a problem of system engineering


With J.B. Jin, R. Guo, M.H. Zhang & G.Q. Zhou. Formulation of a new explicit tidal scheme in ocean general circulation model (2022)

With J.B. Jin, L. Wu, H.L. Liu & M.H. Zhong. Formulation of a new ocean salinity boundary condition and impact on the simulated climate of an oceanic general circulation model. Science in China Earth Sci. 60(3), 2017

With J. Zhu. A matematical formulation for optimal control of air pollution. Science in China Ser. D Earth Sci. 46(10):994-1002, 2003

With J.P. Li. A unified monsoon index. Geophys. Res. Lett. 29(8), 2002

With R.H. Zhang. G.Q. Zhou & X.Z. Liang. A coupled general circulation model for the tropical pacific ocean and global atmosphere. Adv. Atm. Sci. 12(2):127-42, 1995

With M. Wu. Criteria for the nonlinear stability of three-dimensional quasi-geostrophic motions. Adv. Atm. Sci. 8(1):1-10, 1991

With Z.Z. Ji & R.F. Li. A numerical model of offshore currents and some tests. Adv. Hydrodyn. 2(1):67-74, 1987

With C.G. Yuan. A split method to solve equations of weather prediction. Kexue Tongbao 25(12):1005, 1980


IMO Prize (2016)

126188 Zengqingcun (Asteroid)