
Ramón Fabella Abarquez Jr., Philippine cardiologist (09 July 1928 – 10 January 2018)

Discovered two pathways of hypertension: the slow and the rapid onset

Proposed the concept that family members living together share the same hypertensive risk factors

First proved clinically that nifedipine (a calcium channel blocker) was as potent as beta blockers (1981)

Suggested 140/90 mark to level for hypertension 20 years before it was recognized (1979)

Found that by treating hypertensive patients with medication and digitalis or digoxin, the onset of left ventricular hypertrophy can be prevented (1967)

Promoted the use of thrombolysis as an approach to acute myocardial infarction (1960s)

Devised the raised-arm maneuver to distinguish hypertensive and normal applicants or Abarquez hypothesis (2002) 

With Frieman, Reichel & La Due created dynamic exercise electrocardiogram (1960)


Who’s Who in the World (1980-1)