Raul Dodsworth Machado, Brazilian microscopist (Belo Horizonte 11 June 1917 – Rio de Janeiro 05 August 1996)
Authored about 80 scientific papers
Performed outstanding contributions to knowledge of Electrophorus electricus ultrastructure
Authored with K.R. Porter classic papers on plant cell division and endoplasmic reticulum of plant cells
With M.E. Fonseca, N. Frimer, R.E. Mendonça & J.N. Couceiro. A combined staining technique developed for virus particle observation in the electron microscope. Rev. Bras. Biol. 44(1):37-40, 1984
With N.M. Pereira, W. de Souza & F.T. de Castro. Isolation and properties of flagella of Trypanosomatids. J. Protozool. 24(4):511-4, 1977
Developed a method for observation of phase changes in vegetable waxes
Melting and crystallization of vegetable waxes. J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 34:388-93, 1957
A method of emptying and examining glass microelectrodes under the electron microscope
With G.M. Oliveira Castro. Control of glass microelectrodes for intracellular recordings. Experientia 25:556-8, 1969
With C.F. Barros. Epidermis and epicuticular waxes of Syagrus coronata leaflets. Can. J. Bot. 73:1947-52, 1995
With J.B. Fontenelle & C.G. Costa. Foliar anatomy and micromorphology of eleven species of Eugenia L. (Myrtaceae). Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 115:111-33, 1994
With F.C. Miguens & R.P. Louro. A scanning electron microscope study of normal and vitrified leaves from Datura insignis plantlets cultured in vitro. Plant Cell Tiss. Organ Culture 32(1):109-113, 1993
With G.B. Fontenelle & D.M.S. Gomes. Anatomia foliar de Gomidesia martiana Berg e G. fenzeliana Berg (Myrtaceae). Rev. Bras. Bot. 16(1):17-30, 1993
With R.P. Louro & F.C. Miguens. Structure and development of stellate trichomes in Andradaea floribunda Fr. Allem. (Nyctaginaceae). Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 109(2):203-10, 1992
With M. Taffarel, M. Attias & W. de Souza. Structural and cytochemical localization of the endoplasmic reticulum in the electrolyte of Electrophorus electricus. Micros. Electron. Biol. Cell. 12(1):35-44, 1988
With F.C. Miguens & M.A. Esquibel. Scanning electron microscopy of the electric organs of Electrophorus electricus L. Cell Tiss. Res. 234(3):641-53, 1983
With W. de Souza, M. Benchimol, M. Attias & K.R. Porter. Observations on the innervated face of the electrolyte of the main organ of the electric eel (Electrophorus electricus L.). Cell Tiss. Res. 213(1):69-80, 1980
With J.T.C. Araújo & W. de Souza. Ultrastructural localization of calcium-binding sites in the electrolyte of Electrophorus electricus (L.). Cell. Set. 38:97-104, 1979
With M.M. Oliveira & C. Chagas Filho. Calcium binding to electroplate membranes from Electrophorus electricus (1978)
With W. de Souza, A. Hasson-Voloch, C. Somlo & M. Benchimol. Localization of ATPases on the membranes of the electrolyte of Electrophorus electricus (L.). Cell Tiss. Res. 185:115-28, 1977
With W. de Souza, G. Cotta Pereira & G. Oliveira Castro. On the fine structure of Electrophorus electricus L. Cell Tissue Res. 174:355-66, 1976
With R. Schmid. Pit membranes in hardwoods. Fine structure and development. Protoplasma 66(1):185, 1968
With F.R. Milanez & C.A. Areia. Alguns aspectos da infraestrutura foliar. XVIII Congr. Nac. Botanica (1967)
With M.A.B. Arraes & V.A. Nepomuceno. Sobre a anatomia da folha da carnaubeira (Copernicia prunifera Miller) H.E. Moore. An. Acad. Bras. Ciencias (1966)
With A. Mattos Filho & J.M.G. Pereira. Estrutura microscópica e submicroscopica da madeira da Bauhinia forficata Link (Leg. Caes.). Rodriguesia 37:313-28, 1966
With R. Schmid. Estrutura das pontuações guarnecidas de G. marginata Taub. (Leg. Caes.). Arq. J. Bot. 18:285-92, 1962-5
With R. Schmid. Observations on the structure of pit membranes in hardwood cells (1964)
The origin and fine structure of the sculptured pits in Leguminosae. Planta p.612-6, 1964
With R. Schmid. The fine structure of vestured pits in the genus Plathymenia. Holz Roh-Werkstoff 21(2):41-7, 1963
With K.R. Porter. The endoplasmic reticulum and the formation of plant cell walls (1960)
With K.R. Porter. Studies of the endoplasmic reticulum. IV. Its form and distribution during mitosis in cells of onion root tip. J. Biophys. Biochem. Cytol. 7:167, 1960
With F.R. Milanez. Aplicação da microscopia eletrônica ao estudo dos laticíferos embrionários de Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd. Rodriguesia 18-19:30-31, 1956
Pareceres sobre a essência de sassafrás, método de doseamento do safrol. Bol. Inst. Oleos (1949)
Estudos sobre as plantas ceríferas, sementes oleaginosas e método de análise. Bol. Inst. Oleo (1944-5)
Principais diferenças anatômicas entre os segmentos foliares de Copernicia australis Becc. e de C. cerifera. Bol. Inst. Oleos 3:7-12, 1945
LINKS (Portuguese)
His father, Renato Brancante Machado, otorhinolaryngologist (Rio de Janeiro 14 February 1890 – Rio de Janeiro 15 May 1958)
Developed Machado technique for surgical treatment of ozena (before C. Eyries)
Considerações sobre a terapeutica cirúrgica da ozena. Rev. Bras. Otorrin. 4:311-6, 1939