
Raul Rodríguez Barrios, Uruguayan neuro-ophthalmologist (Montevideo 02 September 1911 – Montevideo 05 August 2001)

Authored over 170 papers

Developed a suction or aspiration technique for congenital and juvenile cataract

Succión directa de las cataratas congenitas y juveniles (1956)

Created suction needle for extraction of congenital cataract (built by Swiss company Greis-Haber) known as Rodríguez Barrios needle

With María Julia Massera Lerena authored Fondo de Ojo (Fundus), praised by review Ophthalmology Highlights to be more complete textbook about this field in any language (1959)

With M.D. Bottinelli & J. Medoc described the syndrome of ocular depression and convergency (1959) 

One of the first in the world to perform episcleral implantation and photocoagulation in the treatment of retinal detachment (1962)

With C. Solis Rodríguez. Carotid compression tonographic test. A new method to study the carotid circulation. Acta Neurol. Latinoam. 9:48, 1963

Gave warnings about direction for corneal transplants and the right selection of patients for grafting 

Selection of Patients for grafting. The Cornea World Congress, Butterworths, Washington p.443-60, 1965 

Presented reasons and techniques for labyrinth stimulation 

With Maria Delia Bottinelli & Juan Medoc. The study of ocular motility in the comatose patient. J. Neurol. Sciences (1966)

With C. Solis Rodríguez & F. Zylberglajt. New diagnostic sign of intraocular and orbital tumors. Acta Neurol. Latinoam. 12(1):198-203, 1966

Developed a technique for treatment of post-ulcer corneal perforation

With E.Meerhoff 7 F. Zylberglajt. Tarso-conjuntivo-keratoplastia. Arq. Bras. Oftalm. 36:2-6, 1973

With R. Arana Iñiguez & J. San Julián. Nueva técnica para la extirpación del quisto hidatico cerebral 


Gradle Lecture

Jackson Lecture, American Society of Ophthalmology

LINKS  (in Spanish)