Ricardo Bressani Castignoli, Guatemalan food expert (Ciudad de Guatemala 28 September 1926 – Ciudad de Guatemala 30 January 2015)
Authored over 500 publications between papers, monographs, book chapters and conference memoirs
Discovered that certain coumponds found in soybean help digestive processes in man
Developed cotton, legume, platan and cereal flours such as Incaparina (1959), Vitatol, Bienestarina and Innovarina
Developed other food products like cookies
Babcock Hart Award, Institute of Food Technologists, USA (1970)
McCollum Award, American Society of Clinical Nutrition (1971)
Doctor Honoris Causa, Purdue University (1976)
Albert Einstein World Award of Science, World Cultural Council (1984)
Danone International Prize for Nutrition (2003)
Guest Researcher, Rutgers State University & Massachusetts Institute of Technology