
Ricardo Hector Omarini Tedesco, Argentine geologist (Cordoba 17 March 1946 – Salta 28 June 2015)

With A. Yague, S.Pichowiak, K.W. Damm, J.G. Viramonte & L. Garcia Cacho. Santa Rosa de Tastil granitic complex, Salta, Argentina. An unusual “S” type granite. Actas 1º Congr. Geol. Argent. 4:199-22, 1987


With A. Gioncada, L. Vezzoli, R. Mazzuoli, V. López-Azarevich, R. Sureda, M. Azarevich & J. Ruch. Topaz magmatic crystallization in rhyolites of the Central Andes (Chivinar volcanic complex, NW Argentina): constraints from texture, mineralogy and rock chemistry. Lithos 184-7:62-73, 2014

With V. Acocella, A. Gioncada, U. Riller, R. Mazzuoli & L. Vezzoli. Tectonomagmatic characteristics of the back-arc portion of the Calama-Olacapato-El Toro Fault zone, Central Andes. Tectonics 30 (2011)

With N. Hauser, M. Matteini & M.M. Pimentel. Combined U-Pb and Lu-Hf isotope data on turbidites of the Paleozoic basement of NW Argentina and petrology of associated igneous rocks: implications for the tectonics evolution of western Gondwana between 560 and 460 Ma. Gondwana Res. 19(1):100-27, 2011

With N. Hauser, M. Matteini & M.M. Pimerntel. Constraints on metasomatised mantle under Central South America. Evidence from Jurassic alkaline lamprophyre dykes from the Eastern Cordillera, NM Argentina. Mineral. Petrol. 100: 153-84, 2010

With L. Vezzoli, M. Matteini, N. Hauser, R. Mazzuoli & V.Acocella. Non explosive magma-water interaction in a continental setting. Miocene examples from the Eastern Cordillera (Central Andes: NW Argentina). Bull. Volcanol. 23(4), 2008

With R.J. Sureda, H.J. Gotze, A. Seilacher & F. Pfluger. Puncoviscana folded between northwestern Argentina: testimony of late Proterozoic Rodinia fragmentation and pre-Gondwana collisional episodes. Intern. J. Earth Sci. 88:76-97, 1999

With U.G. Cordani, F.R.B. Vancini & L. Petronilho. Rb/Sr and K/Ar geochronology of the Santa Rosa de Tastil granite complex and Puncoviscana Formation, Salta, Argentina. Actas XI Congr. Arg. Geol. 2:239-42, 1990

With R. Mazzuoli, R. Ortiz, J.G. Viramonte & R. de Rosa. Mecanismos eruptivos de la actividad volcánica em la isla Decepción (Shetland del Sur, Antártida). Rev. Asoc. Geol. Argent. 44:259-69, 1989

With J.A. Salfity, E. Linares, J.G. Viramonte & S. Gorustovich. Petrologia, geoquímica y edad de un filón (dique) lamprolitico en el subgrupo Pirgua (Alemania-Salta). Rev. Inst. Geol. Min. 7:89-99, 1988

Caracterización litologica, diferenciación y génesis de la fomrmación Puncoviscana entre el Valle de Lerma y la Faja Eruptiva de la Puna. Doctoral Thesis, Universidad de Salta (1983)


Omarinite Bindi, Putz, Paar & Stanley 2017 (Mineral)