
Roberto Hottinger, Swiss-born Brazilian veterinarian, microbiologist and chemist (Zurich 20 February 1875 – São Paulo 29 January 1942)

Authored over 50 works

Discovered the oligodynamic action of silver in water sterilization (1920)

With Antonio Nogueira developed a new domestic water purification process employing colloidal silver known as Salus process

With G.H. Paula Souza developed a new purification process consisting of colloidal silver coating insides of ceramic vessels

Established Perfector process for deozonization and dechlorination of water (1912)

Eponym of Hottinger agar and Hottinger broth

Nachprufung und kritik der üblichen Bouillonbereitung. Zb. Bakt. Abt. Orig. 67:178-206, 1912



A new or improved process of sterilizing liquids and solid materials British Patent 180,973 (1922)

Methode de sterilisation au moyen de melant d’action oligodynamique Swiss Patent 13,175 (1921)

With O. Bromberg. Purifying and sterilizing water US1,324,118 (1920)


Um processo de fabricação de filtros, filtros esterilizadores, recipientes e outros objetos esterilizadores de ação oligodinâmica (1930)

With B. Rangel Pestana. Um novo processo e dispositivo para esterilizar água e outros líquidos (nº10.843) 1920

Revestimento antibacteriano para potes cerâmicos

Novo processo e apparelho electrolysador de chloretos alcalinos (1917)

Processo aperfeiçoado para purificar e esterilizar qualquer agua para torná-la potável (1916)

Novo processo de fabricação de chloruretos ferríferos (Ferriol) (1916)


Lacmosol, the active constituent of lacmoid. Biochem. Zeitsch. 65:177-89, 1914

Several changes in the method of nitrogen estimation according to Kjeldahl. Biochem Z. 60:345-51, 1914

As gorduras dos nossos porcos e as carnes conservadas e presuntos. Novo método de pesagem analítica

Estudo sobre o biodeto de mercúrio colloidal. Novo colyseptico intravenoso