
Sérgio Menge de Freitas, Brazilian astrophysicist and pianist (Rio de Janeiro 04 August 1932 – Rio de Janeiro 25 March 1998)


Stellar motions along I=60-240 and I+150-330 inhomogeneous frequency distribution of spectral types. An. Inst. Geocien. 13:69-72, 1990

An odd behavior of nearby stars velocity components in the direction I=330’b=0º. Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Series 49:687-90, 1982

Dispersion inhomogeneities of nearby stars velocities along the direction I=330 b=0º. Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser. 41:433-6, 1980

Uma aplicação de métodos estatísticos e projetivos ao estudo das distribuições estelares. An. Inst. Geocien. 1 (1977)

Velocity ellipses in the galactic plane: regional variations and spectral distributions


3740 Menge (Asteroid)