
Shreepad (Shripad) Laxman (Lakshman) Ajrekar, Indian plant pathologist and mycologist (Ajra, Maharashtra 28 March 1883 – 02 February 1954)

Described fungal species Mycosphaerella tinosporae 1938

With Shaw made the first report on the incidence of Botrytis grey molud disease on chickpea (1915)


With K. Dharmarajulu. A study of the Mucorineae of the City of Bombay. J. Ind. Bot. Sci. 10:29-34, 1954

With J.D. Oza. A study of Cercospora tinosporae Syd. and its associated pycnidial and perithecial stages (1936) 

With V.N. Likhite. Observations on Tolyposporium penicillariae Bref. (the bajra smut fungus). Curr. Sci. 1:215, 1933

With S.A. Parandekar. Observations on the life history of the rust fungus Uromyces species on Jasminum mulbaricum and its relation to Uromyces hobsoni Vize (U. cunninghamianus Barc.) on Jasminum grandiflorum. J. Ind. Bot. Soc. 10:195-204, 1931

Germination of the spore balls of Tolyposporium penicillariae Bref. (the bajri smut). Proc. Ind. Sci. Congr. Nagpur 18:260-1, 1931

Observations on a disease of jowar (Sorghum vulgare) caused by Sphacelia (conidial stage of Claviceps). J. Ind. Bot. Soc. 5:55-61, 1926

With B.R. Tonapy. A note on the life history of Uromyces aloes (Cke) P.Magn. 1924. J. Ind. Bot. Soc. 3:267-9, 1923

With J.D. Ranadive. The relative responsibility of physical heat and micro-organisms for the hot weather rotting of potatoes in western India. Bull. Agr. Res. Inst. Puse 148 (1923)

With M.N. Kamat. The relationship of the species of Fusarium causing wilt and dry rot of potatoes in Western India. Agr. Jour. India 18:515-20, 1923

With D.V. Bal. Observations on the wilt disease of cotton in the Central Provinces. Agr. Jour. India 16:598-17, 1921

The castor rust (Melampsoriella ricini, De Toni). Jour. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. (2-3):1092-5, 1919

On the mode of infection and prevention of the smut disease of sugarcane. Agr. Jour. India 11:288-95, 1916

With G.P. Gokhale & R.S. Kasaragorde. The band disease of betelnut palm in Konkan. Poona Agric. Coll. Mag. (1916)

With F.J.F. Shaw. The genus Rhizoctonia in India. Mem. Dept. Agric. India Bot. Ser. 7:177-94, 1915


Ajrekarella Kamat & Kalani 1964 (Fungi)