
Shridhar Sarvottam Joshi, Indian physical chemist (Pune, Maharashtra 16 October 1898 – 24 July 1984)

Described Joshi effect

With V. Narasimhan. Photoelectric efficiency of iron, cobalt and nickel at different temperatures in the soft x-ray region. Curr. Science 9:535-7, 1940


Chairman, Physical Chemistry Section, International Congress on Pure and Applied Chemistry, Munich (1959)


With R.P. Sanyal. The formation of a water in oil type emulsion by the concentration of the oil phase. Jour. Phys. Chemistry 26(5): 481-6, 1922

Viscosity of reversible emulsions. Trans. Faraday Soc. 20:512-9, 1925

The decomposition of nitrous oxide in the silent electric discharge. Trans. Faraday Soc. 23:227-38, 1927

The decomposition of nitrous oxide in the silent electric discharge. Part II. Trans. Faraday Soc. 25: 108-117, 1929

The decomposition of nitrous oxide in the silent electric discharge. Part III. The variation of the current and of the power during the reaction. Trans. Faraday Soc. 23: 118-28, 1929

The decomposition of nitrous oxide in the silent electric discharge. Part IV. Influence of the addition of foreign gases. Trans. Faraday Soc. 25:137-43, 1929

An examination of reactions in ionized gases from the standpoint of Faraday’s law. Trans. Faraday Soc. 25: 143-7, 1929

With T.S. Narayan. Der einfluss der temperature sul die koagulation von Kolloiden Mangandioxyd. Kolloid Z. 59:335-6, 1932

“Zonal effect” in the slow coagulation of colloid arsenious sulphur. Bull. Chem. Soc. Japan 12:145, 1937

With P.V. Jagannatha Rao. Zonal effect and antinormal change of opacity during the slow coagulation of colloid manganese dioxide. Phys. Berichte 19:418, 1938

With D.N. Solanki. The influence of temperature on the electrical conductivity and viscosity of aqueous mercuric chloride. J. Ind. Chem. Soc. 18:627, 1940 

With K. Srinivasan. Electrochemical preparation of sodium chloride from aqueous solution. J. Ind. Chem. Soc. 18, 1941

With G.S. Desmukh. An effect of light in gases under electrical discharge. Nature 147 (3739): 806, 1941

With P.G. Deo. A light effect in chlorine under electrical discharge: influence of the intensity and frequency. Nature 151 (3837): 561, 1943

With P.G. Deo. Light effect in chlorine under electrical discharge: influence of the gas pressure. Nature 153: 434-5, 1944

Light effect in chlorine under electrical discharge: change of the wave form due to irradiation. Nature 154: 147, 1944  

With K.Z. Lad. Non-occurrence of the light effect in high frequency conduction at low potentials. Proc. Ind. Acad. Sci. 22 A: 293, 1945

With G. S. Desmukh. Interaction of nitrous oxide and hydrogen in the silent discharge. Nature 155: 483, 1945

Threshold potential, conductivity and course of chemical change under electrical discharge. Curr.Sci. 15:281, 1946