
Sylvio Ferraz Mello, Brazilian astrophysicist (São Paulo 26 October 1936 –

Known worldwide as a specialist on the dynamics of bodies in the solar system, perturbation theory in celestial mechanics and in dynamical systems in general

Studied the role of resonances in orbital dynamics of solar systems and dissipative processes in solar system evolution 


Introduced a special shadow function or approximation (1964)

Developed a perturbation model valid for very high eccentricities

Discovered chaotic eccentricity jumps to values larger than 0.9 in 3.1 resonance with Jupiter

Creep Tides. A new model to study the tidal evolution of close-in satellites and exoplanets. Rev. Mex. Astron. Astrol. (2014) 

A rheophysical tidal theory for exoplanets and satellites (2012)

First to study exoplanet systems whose orbits are resonant between them

With T. Michtchenko & C. Beaugé. The orbits of the extrasolar planets HD82943c and b. Astrop. J. 621:473-81, 2005 

Proposed a model that explained the absence of great asteroids with six-years period and the their excess with eight-years period (1993)

With D. Lazzaro & R.V. Martins. A semi-analytical solution for the eccentricities and longitudes of the pericenter of the Uranian satellites. Astron. Astrop. (1987)

With M. Sato & P.E. Nacozy. A numerical averaging procedure for the Galilean satellites system (1983)

Ferraz Mello technique or algorithm of date-compensated discrete Fourier transform 

Estimation of periods from unequally spaced observations. Astron. J. 86:619, 1981

First to study the pair Europa-Ganymedes in Dynamics of the Galilean Satellites (1979)

Proposed an extension to several degrees of freedom of the Delaunay method (1978)

Sur um modele mathematique pour l’etude des effets de la pression de radiation solaire sur le mouvement des satellites artificiels. Comp. Rend. Acad. Sciences Paris (1971) 


Doctor Honoris Causa, Observatoire de Paris (2007)

Brouwer Award, American Astronomical Society (Division on Dynamical Astronomy) 2015

Asteroid Ferraz Mello (5201)

See HTTP://