Teresa Pinto Hamuy, Chilean psycho physiologist (died 2008?)
Modified Sutherland box
With S. Aronsohn, P. Toledo & P. Asenjo. Analysis of a guided-response procedure in visual discrimination by rats. J. Exp. Anal. Behav. 47(3):311-7, 1987
With C. Passig, W.M. Jenkins, J.A. Arraztoa, H. Guadagno & R. Olivares. Development of a computerized system for simultaneous visual discrimination in rats. Behav. Brain research 47(2):199-201, 1992
With P. Espina Marchant, D. Bustamante, P. Morales & M. Herrera-Marschitz. Rat strain influences the use of the egocentric learning strategies mediated by neostriatum. Exp. Brain Res. 193(2):205-12, 2009
With P. Espina Marchant, D. Bustamante, P. Morales, L. Robles & M. Herrera-Marschitz. Spatial cognition and memory: a reversible lesion with lidocaine into the anteromedial posterior parietal cortex (AM/PPC) affects directly working and long-term memory on two foraging tasks. Biol. Res. 39(4):601-9, 2006
With V.M. Montero & J.F. Torrealba. Neurotoxic lesions of anteromedial posterior parietal cortex disrupts spatial maze memory in blind rats. Behav. Brain res. 153(2):465-70, 2004
With R.F. Sanchez, V.M. Montero, S.G. Espinoza, E. Díaz & M. Canitnol. Visuospatial discrimination deficit in rats after ibotenate lesions in anteromedial visual cortex. Physiol. Behav. 62(5):989-94, 1997
With E. Díaz & V. Fernandez. Interhemispheric structural asymmetry induced by a lateralized reaching task in the rat motor cortex. Eur. J. Neurosc. 6(7):1235-8, 1994
With S. Aronsohn & C. Colin. Monocular enucleation causes a deficit in visual learning in rats. Acta Physiol. Lat. Am. 31(3):143-50, 1981
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With P. Linck. Effect of frontal lesions on performance of sequential tasks by monkeys. Exp. Neurol. 12:96-107, 1965
With M.A. Saavedra & E. Garcia. Acquisition of auditory conditioned responses in normal and neodecorticate rats. J. Comp. Physiol. Psychol. 56(1);31-5,1963
With G. Santibañez. Olfactory discrimination deficits in monkeys with temporal lobe ablations. J. Comp. Physiol. Psychol. 50(5):472-4, 1957
With G. Santibañez, C. Gonzales & E. Vicencio. Changes in behavior and visual discrimination performance after selective ablations of temporal cortex. J. Comp. Physiol. Psychol. 50(4):379-85, 1957
With R.B. Bromiley & C.N. Woolsey. Somatic afferent areas I and II of the dog’s cerebral cortex. J. Neurophysiol. 19:485-99, 1956
Retention and preformance of ‘skilled movements” after cortical ablation in monkeys. Bull Johns Hopkins Hosp. 98: 417-44, 1956
With C.N. Woolsey, P.H. Seitlage, D.R. Meyer, W. Sencer & A.M. Travis. Pattern of localization in precentral and “supplementary” motor areas and their relation to the concept of a premotor area. Res. Publ. Assoc. Res. Nerv. Mental Dis. 30:238-64, 1952