
Vicente Pardo Castelló, Cuban dermatologist (La Habana 06 December 1892 – Miami 21 May 1967)

Introduced nails into clinical diagnosis (1936) independently of Mangin (1932)

First to describe Sjogren-Larsson syndrome

With H. Faz. Ichthyosis – Little’s disease. Arch. Dermat. Syphil. 26:915, 1932

Described Pardo Castello congenital palmoplantar keratoderma or keratosis palmoplantar hereditária mutilans independently of Vohwinkel (1929)

With J.J. Mestre. Symmetric palmar and plantar keratoderma and ainhum. Arch. Dermat. Syphil. 19:154, 1929

Described diffuse leukonychia or pseudomacrolunula (1960)

Eponym of Pardo Castello syndrome

With F. Tiant & R. Piñeiro showed the constancy of lesions of peripheral nerve trunks in leprosy (1947)


Epilating folliculitis. Derm. Trop. 2:235, 1965

Common dermatoses in agricultural workers in the Caribbean área. Industr. Med. Surg. 31:305, 1962

With Osvaldo A. Pardo. Diseases of nails (1960)

El tratamiento de la lepra con cicloserina. Bol. Soc. Cub. Derm. Sif. 15:16, 1958

With O.A. Pardo. Treatment of early syphilis with penicillin and bismuth subsalicylate. Arch. Dermat. Syphil. 61:196-209, 1950

With F. Trespalacios, F.R. Tiant, R. Ibarra & J.J. Mestre. Traitment de la lepre par le chloramphenicol. Essai experimentale ayant donné dês resultats negatifs. Intern. J. Leprol. 18(4):469-72, 1950

With R. Pineyro. Lazarine leprosy. Its position in the present classification of leprosy (1948)

Interpretación de los examines serologico y de liquid cefaloraquideo en el diagnostico y pronostico de la sifilis (1948)

With F.R. Tiant. Lepra – la correlación de sus aspectos clinico, patologico, inmunologico y bacteriológico. Rev. Leprol. Dermat. Sifil. 1(1):5, 1944

With I. Ferrer. Pinta. Mal de Pinto. Carate. Arch. Dermat. Syphil. 45(5): 843-64, 1942

Yaws. Five hundred cases observed in Cuba. Arch. Dermat. Syphil. 40(5):762-3, 1939

Keratomycosis nigricans palmaris. Rev. Argent. Dermatosif. 12:255, 1938

Frambesia (pian, yaws, bubas) 1937

Allergic cutaneous eruptions after high voltage roentgen therapy. Arch. Dermat. Syphil. 33:866, 1936

Leprosy associated with dermatitis atrophicans diffusa et progressive. Arch. Dermat. Syphil 33:12-20, 1936

With J. Grau, J.J. Mestre & S. Rosell. Erythrodermia congenital ichthyosiformis. Arch. Dermat. Syphil. 26:905-6, 1932 

With G.M. Caballero. Lazarine leprosy: a peculiar mono-symptomatic form of leprosy. Arch. Dermat. Syphil. 23:1-11, 1931

With J.J. Mestre & E. Rio. Lupus erythematosus disseminatus. Arch. Dermat. Syphil. 19:824, 1929

With J.J. Mestre & E. Rio. Tinea of the scalp. Arch. Dermat. Syphilol. 19:409-22, 1929

Dermatitis venenata: a study of the tropical plants producing dermatitis. Arch. Dermatol. Syphilol. 7:81, 1923