Wilhelm Heinrich Hoffmann, German-born Cuban anatomical pathologist (Wismar, Mecklenburg 08 February 1875 – La Habana 10 October 1950)
Authored over 400 works
Yellow fever
Determined a number of pathological signs in yellow fever
Proposed kidney calcium deposits as a sign (Rocha Lima described it in 1912)
Los cilindros de cal en los niños: un nuevo signo diagnostico de la fiebre amarilla. Sciencia Medica 2(6):284, 1924
Demonstrated phagocytosis of eryhrtocytes by Kupffer cells in liver and spleen (1924)
Showed the hyaline degeneration of voluntary muscles and myocardium
Showed medullary infiltration of Peyer patches in ileum
First to show intranuclear inclusions of yellow fever in human being
Concluded that histological survey of liver was the simplest and safest method for diagnosing the yellow fever (Cuban method)
Demonstrated the sylvian form of yellow fever in Africa
Hay fibre amarilla en Africa ? (1924)
Is there yellow fever in Africa? J. Trop. Med. Hyg. (1926)
La fiebre amarilla endemica en Africa (1927)
La fiebre amarilla africana (1928)
Developed a treatment for leprosy
Early treatment of leprosy. Leprosy review 1:1, 1930
Eponym of Hoffmann early leprous choroiditis
El higado en la fiebre amarilla africana. Virchows Archiv fur Pathol. Anat. Physiol.