
Yongyuth Yuthavong, Thai biochemist (Lopburi 04 May 1944 –

Solved the structure of dihydrofolate reductase-thimidylate synthase of Plasmodium falciparum 

With J. Yuvaniyama, P. Chitnumsub, S. Kamchonwongpaisan, J. Vacichtanankul, W. Sirawaraporn, P. Taylor & M. Walkinshaw. Insights into antifolate resistance from malarial DHFR-TS structures. Nature Structural Biology 10(5):357-65, 2003


With S. Kamchowongpaisan, C. Nilanonta, B. Tarnchompuo, C. Thebtaranonth, Y. Thebtaranonth, P. Kongsaere & J. Clardy. An antimalarial peroxide from Annomum krervanh Pierre, Tetrahedron Lett. 36(11):1821-4, 1995

With C. Thebtaranonth, Y. Thebtaranonth & S. Wanauppathamkul. Antimalarial sesquiterpenes from tubers of Cyperus rotundus: structure of 10,12-peroxycalamine, a sesquiterpene endoperoxide. Phytochemistry 40(1):125-81, 1995

Discovered an anti-malarial oral drug P218 candidate to clinical development


With D. Japrung, S. Chusacultanachai, I. Yuvaniyama & P. Wilairat. A simple dual selection for functionally active mutants of Plasmodium falciparum dihydrofolate reductase with improved solubility. Protein Engin. Design Selection 18(10):457-64, 2005

With S. Ekthawatchai, J. Lertvorachon, P. Meesowpan, T. Thongpanchang, Y. Thebtaranonth et al. An environmentally friendly, low cost, one-pot synthesis of artemisitene. Chem. Inform. 34(38), 2003

With I. Ittarat & H. Kyle Webster. High-performance liquid chromatographic determination of dihydroorotate dehydrogenase of Plasmodium falciparum and effects of antimalarials on enzyme activity. J. Chromat. A 582(1-2):57-64, 1992

With J. Krumgkrai & H.K. Webster. High-performance liquid chromatographic assay for thymidylate synthesis from the human malaria parasite, Plasmodium falciparum. J. Chromat. A 487(1):51-9, 1989