
André Audant, Haitian agricultural entomologist (Jérémie 05 October 1909 – ?)


Experiments on the practical control of stored grain insects with a revolving drum-type heater (1931)

La chenille du cotonnier (Alabama argillacea Hubner) en Haiti (1933)

With A. Occenard. The Mexican cotton boll weevil (Anthonomus grandis Boheman) in Haiti. J. Agric. Univ. Puerto Rico 21:69-76, 1937  

With A. Hulsizer. Relevé de la pêche (1943)

Identification des insectes d’Haiti par leur noni creole. Rev. Soc. Hist. Geogr. Haiti 12 (42):51-55, 1941 

Insectes du mais (1945)

La lutte contre les rats. Bull. Agri. Haiti 1(7):13-16 & (9):13-16, 1951


Audantia Cochran 1934 (Reptilia)