Neusa Margem Amato, Brazilian physicist (Campos, Rio de Janeiro State 29 August 1926 – Rio de Janeiro 03 May 2015)
Daughter of Lebanese immigrants
Obtained world renown on nuclear emulsions
Authored 116 works
Showed using nuclear emulsions pion decay in muon
With E. Frota-Pessoa. Sobre a desintegração do méson pesado positivo. Anais Acad. Bras. Ciencias 22:371-83, 1950
With E. Frota Pessoa & M. B. Aragão. A new radioactive method for marking mosquitoes and its application. Proc. Geneve Conference on Peaceful Applications of Atomic Energy. page 40, 1955
With C. Lattes, W.A. Rodrigues Jr., F.M. O. Castro, J.B. Filho, J.L. Cardoso, J.A. Chinellato, Y. Fujimoto & N. Arata. New type of nuclear interaction in the Σ Eγ ≥1014 eV Region. AIP Conf. Proc. 49, 1978
With H.M. Portella, F.M. O. Castro & R.C.H. Maldonado. An alternative method to solve the hadronic cosmic-ray diffusion equations: the muon and neutrino fluxes. J. Phys. A Math.Gen. 27:539-45, 1994
With A. Marques, C. Lattes and others discovered
Andromeda interaction
Centauro phenomenon
A scaling law
Increased pion multiplicity with the energy
Increased mean transversal momentum with multiplicity