Stephen Cole Bruner, US / Cuban phytopathologist and entomologist (Raleigh, North Carolina 18 August 1891 – Loma Linda, Los Angeles 27 August 1953)
Described eucalypt canker disease caused by Cryphonectria cubensis
Una enfermidad gangrenosa de los eucaliptos. Boletín, Estación Exper. Agr. 37:1-38, 1917
Authored with L.C. Scaramuzza & A.R. Ortero Catalogo de insectos que atacan a las plantas econômicas de Cuba (A catalogue of insects that attack economic plants of Cuba) in 1945 that obtained international repercussion
Described and co-described 31 genera in Hemiptera insects and some fungi species
Brunerella Young 1952 (Hemiptera)
Stephembruneria Castañeda 1988 (Fungi)