Beatriz Lydia Luisa Coira, Argentine petrologist (1941-
some bibliography
With E.O. Zappettini, J. Santos, C.E. Cisterna, E.A. Belousova. Combined U-pb and Lu-Hf isotope study from the Las Lozas volcanic, northwestern Argentina: Evidence of juvenile Cryogenian-derived, lower Pennsylvanian volcanism in western Gondwana. J. South Amer. Earth Sciences 59:13-8, 2015
With P. Mulcahy, C. Chen, S.M. Kay, L.D. Brown, B.L. Isacks, E. sandvol. B. Heit & X. Yuan. Central Andean mantle and crustal seismicity beneath the Southern Puna plateau and the northern margin of the Chilean-Pampean flat slab. Tectonics 33:1636-58, 2014
With S.M. Kay, P.J. Caffe & C.H. Chen. Regional chemical diversity, crustal and mantle sources and evolution of Central Andean Puna Plateau ignimbrites. J. Volcan. Geoth. Res. 198:81-111, 2010
With M. Koukharsky, S. Ribeiro Guevara & C.E. Cisterna. Puna (Argentina) and northern Chile Ordovician Basic magmatism: a contribution to the tectonic setting. J.S. Am. Earth Sci. 27:24-35, 2009
With S.M. Kay, V.A. Ramos & W.R. Dickinson. Shallowing and steepening subduction zones, continental lithospheric loss, magmatism, and crystal flow under the Central Andean Altiplano-Puna plateau. Mem. Geol. Soc. America 204:229-60, 2009
With P.J. Caffe, M.M. Soler, A.T. Onoe & U.G. Cordani. The Granada ignimbrite: A compound pyroclastic unit, and its relationship with Upper Miocene caldera volcanism in the Northern Puna. J. South Am. Earth Sci. 25(4):482, 2008
With P.J. Caffe, M.M. Soler, A.P. Cabrera & P.I. Flores. Estratigrafia y centros eruptivos de la region de Pairique, Puna Jujena. Rev. Asoc. Geol. Argent. 62(2):242-56, 2007
With M.M. Soler, P.J. Caffe, A.T. Onoe & S.M. Kay. Geology of the Vilama caldera: correlations and a new interpretation of a large scale explosive event in the Central Andean plateau during the Upper Miocene. J. Volcan. Geoth. Res. 164:27-53, 2007
With P.J. Caffe, R.B. Trumbull & R.I. Romer. Petrogenesis of early Neogene magmatism in the Northern Puna: Implications for magma genesis and crustal processes in the Central Andean plateau. J. Petrol. 43:907-42, 2002
With P.J. Caffe. Complejos de domos volcánicos del Mioceno médio de Puna Norte. Un modelo geológico y metalogenetico para yacimientos epitermales de metales de base ricos en Ag(Sn). Recursos Miner. Rep. Argen. 35:1569-78, 1999
With M.H. Orth & M.M. Mazzoni. Generation of a crust-mantle mixture: magma sources and contamination at Cerro Panizos, Central Andes. Contrib. Mineral. Petrol. 123:308-22, 1996
With M.K. de Brodtkorb. Polymetallic mineralization associated with Cenozoic volcanism in the Northern Puna, Argentina. PACRIM’95:135-40, 1995
With T.T. Cladouhos, R. Allmendinger & E. Farrar. Late Cenozoic deformation in the Central Andes: fault kinematics from the Northern Puna, Northwestern Argentina and southwestern Bolivia. J.S. Am. Earth Sci. 7(2):209-28,1994
Metallogenic events in the framework of magmatic tectonic evolution of the Northern Puna of Argentina during the late Cenozoic. Com. Univ. Chile 45:67-76, 1994
With S.M. Kay. Implications of Quaternary volcanism at Cerro Tuzgle for crustal and mantle evolution of the Puna Plateau, Central Andes, Argentina. Contr. Mineral. Petrol. 113:40-58, 1993
With S.M. Kay & J. Viramonte. Upper Cenozoic magmatic evolution of the Argentine Puna – a model for changing subduction geometry. Intern. Geol. Review 35:677-720, 1993
With M.H. Orth, M.M. Mazzoni, R.V. Fisher & J.C. Merodio. Centro emisor volcanico Cerro Panizos, Jujuy. Rev. Asoc. Geol. Argentina 44:291-300, 1989
With F. Nullo. Pyroclastic facies of the Ordovician volcanism, Arenigian-Llanvirnian, Salina de Jama, Jujuy. Rev. Asoc. Geol. Arg. 44:89-95, 1989
With S.M. Kay. Cerro Tuzgle – Quaternary Andean volcanism in the eastern Puna-Altiplano plateau, Argentina. IAVCEI Bull. N.M.Bur. Mines Miner. Resour. 131:131-5, 1989
With M.H. Orth & M.M. Mazzoni. Eruptive behavior, vent locations and caldera development of Cerro Panizos, Central Andes. Continental Magmatism Abstracts. Bull. Bureau Mines Miner. Resour. 131 (1989)
With J. Davidson, C. Mpodozis & V. Ramos. Tectonic and magmatic evolution of the Andes of Northern Argentina and Chile. Earth Sci. Rev. 18:303-32, 1982
With N.E. Pezzutti. Vulcanismo Cenozoico en el âmbito de Puna Catamarqueña. Rev. Asoc. Geol. Argent. 31(1):33-52, 1976
With F. Nullo, C. Proserpio & V.A. Ramos. Tectonica de basamento de la región occidental del Macizo Nordpatagónico (Prov. de Rio Negro y Chubut), Republica Argentina. Rev. Asoc. Geol. Arg. 30(4):361-83, 1975
Resultados preliminares sobre la petrologia del ciclo eruptivo ordovicico concomitante con la sedimentación de la Formación Aaeike en la zona de Abra Pampa, Prov. Jujuy. Rev. Asoc. Geol. Arg. 28(1):85-8, 1973
With M.L. Koukharsky. Geologia y petrologia de la Sierra Brava, Provincia de La Rioja (Republica Argentina). Rev. Asoc. Geol. Arg. 25(4):444-66, 1970
Coiraite Paar, Moelo, Mozgova, Organova, Stanley, Roberts, Culetto, Effenberger, Topa, Putz, Sureda & Brodtkorb 2005 (Mineral)