
Gabriel Chuchani Davara, Israeli-born Venezuelan physical chemist (Jerusalem 31 May 1924 – Caracas 30 April 2017)

Authored over 220 papers

Gained international recognition for his studies on kinetics and mechanisms of gas phase reactions of organic molecules  

Performed important research on inhomogenous, unimolecular gas phase pyrolysis or elimination of organic molecules and their mechanisms and kinetics


With M. Luiggi, J.R. Mora, M. Loroño & T. Córdova. Theoretical calculations on the gas-phase thermal decomposition kinetics of selected thiomethyl chloroalkanes: A new insight of the mechanism. Comput. Theoret. Chemistry (2014)

With J.R. Mora, J. Lezama, N. Berroteran & T. Córdova. Density functional theory and ab initio study on the reaction mechanisms of the homogeneous, unimolecular elimination kinetics of selected 1-chloroalkenes in the gas phase. Int. J. Quant. Chem. (2012)

With O. Brea, M. Loroño & T. Córdova. Quantum chemical calculations of the thermal isomerization of 2-methyl-4,5-dihydrofuran.  Comput. Theoret. Chemistry (2012)

With F. Rosas, J. Lezama, J.R. Mora, A. Maldonado & T. Córdova. Kinetics and mechanisms of the thermal decomposition of 2-methyl-1,3-dioxolane, 2,2-dimethyl-1,3-dioxolane, and cyclopentanone ethylene ketal in the gas phase. Combined experimental and DFT study. J Phys Chem A.116(37):9228-37, 2012

With F. Rosas, A. Maldonado, J. Lezama et al. Kinetics and mechanisms of the unimolecular elimination of 2,2-diethoxypropane and 1,1-diethoxycyclohexane in the gas phase: experimental and theoretical study. J Phys Chem A.116(2):846-54, 2012

With J.R. Mora, J. Lezama, E. Marquez & T. Córdova. Theoretical study of neighboring carbonyl group participation in the elimination kinetics of chloroketones in the gas phase. J. Phys. Organic Chem. (2011)

With A. Maldonado, J.R. Mora, S.J. Subero & T. Córdova. Theoretical calculations on the mechanisms of the gas-phase elimination kinetics of 2-chloro-1-phenylethane, 3-chloro-1-phenylpropane, 4-chloro-1-phenylbutane, 5-chloro-1-phenylpentane, and their corresponding chloroalkanes: The effect of the phenyl ring. Int. J. Chem. Kinetics (2011)

With E. Marquez, J.R. Mora & T. Córdova. Theoretical study of the mechanism for the gas-phase pyrolysis kinetics of 2-methylbenzyl chloride. Internat. J. Chem. Kinetics (2011)

With E. Marquez, R.M. Domínguez, J.R. Mora & T. Córdova. Experimental and theoretical studies of the homogeneous, unimolecular gas-phase elimination kinetics of trimethyl orthovalerate and trimethyl orthochloroacetate. J Phys Chem A114(12):4203-9, 2010

With M.M. Tosta, J.R. Mora & T. Córdova. Joint experimental and DFT study of the gas-phase unimolecular elimination kinetic of methyl trifluoropyruvate. J. Phys Chem A 114(30):7892-7, 2010

With M. Tosta, J.C. Oliveros, J.R. Mora & T. Córdova. Mechanism of alpha-amino acids decomposition in the gas phase. experimental and theoretical study of the elimination kinetics of N-benzyl glycine ethyl ester. J Phys Chem A.114(7):2483-8, 2010

With A. Rotinov, L. Escalante, B. Ramírez, D. Pereira & T. Córdova. Gas phase elimination kinetics of methyl mandelate: experimental and DFT studies. J Phys Chem A113(44):12157-62, 2009

With A. Rotinov, L. Escalante, B. Ramírez, D. Pereira & T. Córdova. Joint experimental and theoretical studies of the mechanism for the gas phase elimination kinetics of methyl 2,2-dimethyl-3-hydroxypropionate. J Phys Chem A.113(15):3491-7, 2009

With E. Marquez, J.R. Mora & T. Córdova. DFT calculations of triethyl and trimethyl orthoacetate elimination kinetics in the gas phase. J. Phys Chem A.113(11):2600-6, 2009

With E. Marquez, R.M. Domínguez & M. Tosta. Kinetics and mechanisms of the homogeneous, unimolecular gas-phase elimination of trimethyl orthoacetate and trimethyl orthobutyrate. J Phys Chem A 112(47):12140-2, 2008

With B.C. Ramírez, R.M. Domínguez, A. Herize, & T. Córdova. Experimental and theoretical study of the homogeneous, unimolecular gas-phase elimination kinetics of 2-furoic acid. Int. J. Chem. Kinetics (2007)

With A. Herize, R.M. Domínguez, A. Rotinov & M. Tosta. The kinetics and mechanisms of gas phase elimination of the ethyl ester of amino acid hydrochlorides. J. Phys. Organ. Chem. (2006)

With A. Monsalve, F. Rosas & D. Brusco. The elimination kinetics and mechanisms of ethyl piperidine-3-carboxylate, ethyl 1-methylpiperidine-3-carboxylate, and ethyl 3-(piperidin-1-yl)propionate in the gas phase. Int. J. Chem. Kinetics (2006)

With F. Rosas, A. Monsalve, M. Tosta & D. Brusco. Kinetics and mechanisms of gas phase elimination of ethyl 1-piperidine carboxylate, ethyl pipecolinate, and (revisited) ethyl 1-methyl pipecolinate. Int. J. Chem. Kinetics (2005)

With R.M. Domínguez, A. Herize, A. Rotinov & G. Visbal. Kinetics and mechanisms of the gas-phase elimination of 2-substituted primary, secondary and tertiary hydroxy groups in nitroalkanes. J. Phys. Organ. Chemistry (2004)

With R.M. Domínguez & M. Tosta. Kinetics and mechanisms of the gas-phase elimination of N-phenylglycine and its ethyl ester. J. Phys. Organ. Chemistry (2003)

With J. Quijano, R. Notario, E. Chamorro & J.C. Quijano. Theoretical study of the gas-phase decomposition of neutral α-amino acid ethyl esters. Part 1 – The elimination of N,N-dimethylglycine ethyl ester and ethyl 1-piperidineacetate. J. Phys. Organ. Chem (2002)

With N.A. Al-Awadi, A. Kumar & A. Herize. Kinetics and mechanism of thermal gas-phase elimination of 2-aryloxyacetic acid. Int. J. Chem. Kinetics (2001)

With A. Rotinov & R.M. Domínguez. The kinetics and mechanisms of gas phase elimination of primary, secondary, and tertiary 2-hydroxyalkylbenzenes. Int. J. Chem. Kinetics (1999)

With A. Rotinov, R.M. Domínguez & I. Martin. Homogeneous, unimolecular, gas-phase elimination of leaving groups at the alkoyl side of carboxylic acids. J. Phys. Organ. Chem (1996)


Fellow, IUPAQ (2007)

Albert Einstein Award, World Cultural Council (1986)

LINKS (bibliography until 1993)