
Luiz Adauto da Justa Medeiros, Brazilian mathematician (Fortaleza 24 February 1926 – Rio de Janeiro 04 June 2022)

Introduced the notion of scalar nonlinearities independent of N.W. Bazley and T. Küpper

On a new class of nonlinear wave equations. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 69:252-62, 1979.  

Medeiros uniqueness theorem

Uniqueness and nonuniqueness criteria for ordinary differential equations (1993)


With G. Antunes, I.F. Lopez, M.D.G. Silva & A. Biazutti. Nonlinear parabolic equation on manifolds. J. Mathem. Research 6:85-92, 2014

With J. Limaco, H.R. Clark & C.L. Frota. On an evolution equation with acoustic boundary conditions. Math. Methods Appl. Sci. 10:2047, 2011  

With J. Limaco & E. Zuazua. Existence, uniqueness and controllability for parabolic equations in non-cylindrical domains. Mat. Contemp. 23:49-70, 2002

With J. Limaco. On a model for vibrations of elastic membranes. Intern. J. Diff. Equations Appl. 2(2):209-36, 2001

A space of functions related to backward heat equation. Rev. Fac. Cien. Mat. U.N. Mayor San Marcos 2:29-38, 1988

With Y. Ebihara, M. Milla et al. On a variational inequality for a nonlinear operator of hyperbolic type. Bol. Soc. Bras. Matem. 16(2):41-54, 1985

With G.P. Menzala. On a global solution of a nonlinear dispersive equation of Sobolev type. Bol. Soc. Bras. Matem. 9(1):49-59, 1978

Sur une equation non lineaire de la physique mathematique. Comp. Rend. Acad. Sci. Ser I Math. 286:277-8, 1978

Equations aux derivés partielles. Comptes rendus de l’Acad. Sci. (1978)

With G.P. Menzala. Existence and uniqueness for periodic solutions of the Benjamin-Bona-Mahony equations. SIAM J. Math. Anal. 8(5):792-9, 1977

With G.P. Menzala. On a modified Korteweg-de Vries equation. Trab. Matem. 85 (1975)

With G.P. Menzala. A Sobolev type equation. Mem. Mat. UFRJ 60 (1975)


Award of the Tenth International Colloquia on Differential Equations, Sofia, Bulgaria (1999)