Carlos Alberto O’Donell, Argentine botanist (Buenos Aires 11 October 1912 – San Miguel de Tucumán 14 February 1954)
Authored over 60 works some of them dealing with plant anatomy
Internationally known as an authority on Convolvulaceae family
Iseia (1953)
Tetralocularia (1960)
Bernardia argentinensis 1955 with Lourteig
Bonamia boliviana 1950
Bonamia holti 1960
Convolvulus lilloi 1959
Convolvulus schulzei 1953
Ipomoea acutisepala 1950
Ipomoea altoparanaensis 1952
Ipomoea angustisepala 1953
Ipomoea asplundii 1952
Ipomoea cardenasiana 1950
Ipomoea cearensis 1953
Ipomoea cheirophylla 1959
Ipomoea chodatiana 1950
Ipomoea colombiana 1953
Ipomoea decemcornuta 1953
Ipomoea densibracteata 1950
Ipomoea descolei 1950
Ipomoea homotrichoidea 1948
Ipomoea jujuyensis 1948
Ipomoea killipiana 1950
Ipomoea lanuginosa 1950
Ipomoea lilloana 1950
Ipomoea longistaminea 1950
Ipomoea magniflora 1953
Ipomoea malpighiphila 1950
Ipomoea marginisepala 1950
Ipomoea oranensis 1948
Ipomoea padillae 1959
Ipomoea paludosa 1950
Ipomoea peredoi 1960
Ipomoea peruviana 1948
Ipomoea philipsonii 1953
Ipomoea pintoi 1953
Ipomoea piresii 1952
Ipomoea pittieri 1950
Ipomoea piurensis 1953
Ipomoea ramboi 1960
Ipomoea reticulata 1953
Ipomoea rubriflora 1959
Ipomoea santacruzensis 1952
Ipomoea santillani 1941
Ipomoea saopaulista 1953
Ipomoea schulziana 1948
Ipomoea squamisepala 1948
Ipomoea stuckertii 1948
Ipomoea suburceolata 1952
Ipomoea tarijensis 1960
Ipomoea theodori 1948
Ipomoea velardei 1948
Ipomoea volcanensis 1953
Jacquemontia anomala 1950
Jacquemontia bahiensis 1953
Jacquemontia decumbens 1950
Jacquemontia ekmanii 1950
Jacquemontia heterotricha 1950
Jacquemontia laxiflora 1960
Jacquemontia rojasiana 1950
Jacquemontia warmingii 1950
Jatropha peiranoi 1943
Kallstroemia tucumanensis 1939 with Descole & Lourteig
Merremia hirsuta 1952
Plectocarpa rougesii 1939 with Descole & Lourteig
Tetralocularia pennelii 1960
Tragia paxii 1941 with Lourteig
Odonellia Robertson 1982 (Convolvulaceae)