Joel Valencia Parparcén, Venezuelan gastroenterologist (Porlamar, Margarita Island, Nueva Esparta State 23 November 1913 – Madrid, Spain 27 December 1985)
Descent from Jewish Dutch of Curazao
Authored over 400 scientific and educational works
He was president of World Organization of Gastroenterology (1978)
With E. Candia, R. Ferro & B. Bruni-Celli. Lipoma submucoso de cólon. G.E.N. 11:93-8, 1956
With L. Carbonell, B. Bruni-Celli & V. Madureri. La gastritis y su diagnostic mediante la biopsies cega. Rev. Sinopsis Latinoam. Gastroenterol. 3(1):9, 1960
With S. Beker, L. Carbonell, N.B. Bosch & R.P. Moncada. Estudios funcionales y histopatologicos en el syndrome de malabsorción intestinal. G.E.N 15:461-76, 1961
With H. Romer. Gastritis: a study of 1000 consecutive gastric biopsies. Amer.J. Dig. Dis. 8:798, 1963
With S. Beker, A. Rivas Gómez & P.R. Moncada. Strongyloidiasis intestinal en Venezuela. G.E.N. 17:285-95, 1963
With S. Beker, J. Carbonell & P.R. Moncada. Biopsia de la mucosa intestinal en ciertas parasitosis intestinales (Necatoriasis y Strongiloidiasis). G.E.N. 17(3):377-82, 1963
With R. Salomón. Fotografia endoscopica. Evaluación en el diagnostico. G.E.N. 20:79, 1965
With G. D’Escrivan. Hiatal hernia and its cardiovascular manifestations. Prensa Méd. Arg. 52(45):2833-9, 1965
With E. Candia. Technique and diagnostic value of the transparieto-hepatic cholangiography. Am.J. Gastroenterol. 47(5):389-411, 1967
With S. Beker. Portal hypertension syndrome. A comparative analysis of bilharzial fibrosis and hepatic cirrhosis. Amer.J. Dig. Dis. 13 (12):1047-54, 1968
With S. Beker & M. de Gonzalez. Hepatitis viral postransfusional. Prensa Med. Arg. 55(27):1286-7, 1968
With S. Beker, P. Grases & M. Gonzalez. Coma hepatico por hepatitis aguda. G.E.N. 28:401, 1969
With G. D’Escrivan. Hernia hiatal y lesiones de la unión esofagogástrica. G.E.N. 25:55-69, 1970
With C. Alemán-Gavotti & B. Bruni-Celli. Ultrastructure of the gastric mucosa in atrophic gastritis. Archives Fr. Malad. App. Digest., 1970
With V.L. Torres & G. D’Escrivan. Normes pour le diagnostic radiologique des petites hernies hiatales. Ann. Gastroenterol. Hepatol. 6(6):473-85, 1970
Tubeless hypotonic duodenography. G.E.N. 27(2):157-83, 1972
With M. Guelrud, H.Niño & M. Dao. Angiographic aspects of pancreatic neoplasms. G.E.N. 1972
With B. Bruni-Celli. Hypertrophic gastritis versus gastric carcinoma. Amer. J. Gastroenterol. 59(2):119-33, 1973
Alcoholic gastritis. Clin. Gastroenterol. 10:389-99, 1981