
Alipio Correa Netto, Brazilian thoracic surgeon (Cataguazes, Minas Gerais State 14 January 1898 – São Paulo 24 May 1988)


First to observe cases of cardiac thyreotoxicosis

Distinguished between achalasia in megacolon of pylorus in adults and hypertrophic stenosis from newborn babies

Idealized and realized the first rational rectosigmoidectomy

Um caso de megacólon curado pela amputação perineal intra-esfincteriana do reto. Rev. Med. São Paulo 24: 29-39, 1940.  

Proposed sphincterotomy of the pelvirectal and internal anal sphincters

With E. Etzel. Le megaesophage et le megacolon devant la theorie de l’achalasie. Etude Clinique et anatomopathologic. Revista Sudamericana de Medicina y Cirurgia 5:395-421, 1934.

Conceived Duhamel-Haddad operation

With J. Haddad & A. Raia. Abaixamento retro-retral do cólon com colostomia perineal no tratamento do megacólon adquirido. Operação de Duhamel modificada. Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. 11: 83-85, 1965.

Improved Russell method for hydrostatical dilation of cardia

Tratamento do megaesôfago pela dilatação forçada com balão hidrostático. Rev. Cirurgia São Paulo 10:397, 1934.  

Modified and created new surgical techniques for tuberculosis 

Perfected thyroidectomy technique  

Laparotomia supra-umbilical mediana e um meio de cortar a laparocele

With M. Amorim and independent of E. Etzel described the lesions of the intramural plexus found in patients with megaesophagus and megacolon and demonstrated the systematic character of the neuronal involvement which extends throughout the digestive tract.

With M. Amorim. Histopathologia e Pathogenese do megaesophago e megarecto. Considerações em torno de um caso de “mal de engasgo”. An. Fac. Med. Univ. S. Paulo 8:101-27, 1932

First to reproduce megaesophagus, megastomach, megabladder and megacolon in experimental Chagas’disease

With M. Okumura. Experimental production of “megas” in animals inoculated with Trypanosoma cruzi (in Portuguese). Rev. Hosp. Clin. Fac. Med. S. Paulo 16:338-41, 1961

Eponym of Alipio Correa Netto sign for saphenous vein malfunction 

See Revista Paulista de Medicina 47(1):29-42,1955