
Augusto Ulderico Cicaré Ercoli, Argentine mechanical engineer (Polvaredas, Saladillo Department, Buenos Aires Province 25 May 1937 – Saladillo Department, Buenos Aires Province 26 January 2022)

From Italian ancestry

Regarded as a world reference in this field and a world pioneer in ultralight helicopters

Many helicopter companies have based their developments on ultra-light helicopters developed by his company


A new four-strokes engine with 4-V cylinders for use in DKW automobiles (1960s)

A new fuel axial type injection pump for Diesel engines (1987)

A four cylinder, two strokes aircraft engine with 60HP

Oil recovery pumps that can be found in most racing cars in the tourism category (1972 & 1980)

Oil and gasoil filters for diesel engines (1973)

A rotary injection pump

A novel system that allows to operate Diesel engines with two fuels (Cicaré dual Diesel-Gas System) 2002

A scooter


Built 13 helicopter models (1958, 1964, 1974, 1982, 1986, 1990, 1993, 1996, 1997, 1998 e 2001)

Cicaré CH 1 (first helicopter built in Latin America) 1958

Cicaré CH 3 presented with a four blade rigid rotor, with the hub made of composites and a hydraulic system to assist the commands (1973)

Cicaré CH 4 (1982) & CH 7 (1991) models were recognized for their innovative command systems

Cicaré CH 6 (with 582 rotary engine) designed in 1987; successful displayed in Experimental Aircraft Association, Oshkoshi, USA (1990)

Cicaré CH 11C a counter-rotating helicopter with a novel cyclic system (1998)

Flight Simulators

The first Aircraft flight simulator of Latin America (1969)

Cicaré SVH-3 Helicopter Flight Simulator with unique characteristics with potential to revolutionize the training system in the world 1994

Cicaré SVH4 with a new electronic safety control system (2014)


A lubricating system for two strokes diesel engines (1965)

Transformed the Ford and Chevrolet six cylinder engines from the use of gasoline fuel to diesel and obtained the patent of the invention of this system with a new tapa de cilindros (nº234.852) (1975)

Mechanism for controlling pitch change in helicopter blades (designed in 1987; patented in 1990) US5165851A (1992) EP0589091 A1 (1992)


Gold Medal, Vehicles, Nautical, Aeronautic and Accessories Section, International Exhibition of Inventors, Geneve (1999) for his flight simulator