Avadh Behari Misra, Indian zoologist and microscopist (Serai-Meran, Fatehgarh District, Uttar Pradesh 27 January 1900 – 24 March 1967)
Son of entomologist Rai Bahadur Chandrasekhar Misra
some bibliography
The recurrent sexual cycle of birds (1962)
The annual reproductive cycles of some Indian birds. Jour. Sci. Res. Benares Hindu University 11:342-85, 1960
With S.R. Rao. The development of the ovary in the female of Drosicha (Monophlebus) quadricaudatus (Green) (Homoptera:Coccidae) (1960)
With A.G. Sathyanesan. On the persistence of the orohypophysial duct in some clupeoid fishes. Proc. Int. Zool. Congr. p.5-27, 1958
Sexual periodicity in birds with special reference to India. Proc. Ind. Sci. Congr. 35th session p.93-112, 1948
With V. Prabhaker Rao. The hypodermal glands of Pulvinaria maxima Green. Proc. Indian Sci. Congr. 28(3):205-6, 1942
Gross changes in the testes of Passer domesticus. Proc. Indian Soc. Congr. 28:186-7, 1942 (abst)
The reproductive cycle of common crow (Corvus splendens). Proc. Ind. Sci. Congr. 3:158-9, 1940
The structure and secretion of the ovisac by the female of Drosichiella (Monophlebus) quadricaudata. Verhandl. 2:872-6, 1939
The differentiation and development of the male reproductive system in Drosichiella (Monophlebus) quadricaudata with remarks on copulation between two sexes. Verhandl. 2:866-71, 1939
A note on the chromosomes of Acrydium japonicum (Orthoptera). J. Genet. 13:175-6, 1937
The chromosomes of an earwig, Forficula scudderi Borm. Jap. J. Genet. 13:171-4, 1937
A study of the chromosomes of two Japanese species of spittle-insects belonging to the family Cercopidae (Homoptera). J. Fac. Agric. Hokkaido Univ. 6(5):255-64, 1937
On the internal anatomy of the male lac insect Laccifer lacca (Homoptera:Coccidae). Proc. Zool. Soc. London Pt.IV:1359-81, 1931
On the internal anatomy of the female lac insect Laccifer lacca (Homoptera:Coccidae). Proc. Zool. Soc. London (1):297-323, 1931
On the anatomy of the larvae of Laccifer lacca Kerr (Hom:Coccidae). Bull. Ent. Res. 22:297-306, 1931
On the post-embryonic development of the female lac insect Laccifer lacca Kerr (Homoptera: Coccidae). Bull. Ent. Res. 21(4):455-67, 1930
On a collection of lac insects from Northern India. Bull. Ent. Res. 21:161-4, 1930
On the genitalia of the male lac-insect (Tachardia lacca Kerr) with a note on its method of copulation.Proc. Indian Sci. Congr. 11:119, 1924
With S.N. Mehrotra. Diurnal mitosis in the testes of Indian birds
Misracoccus Prabhaker Rao 1950 (Hemiptera)