Jessé Santiago Accioly Lins, Brazilian physician (Porto Calvo, Alagoas State 21 September 1921 – Salvador 24 July 1996)
Formulated the inheritance mechanism of sickle anemia independent of J. Neel
Anemia falciforme: relato de um caso com infantilismo. Arq. Fac. Med. Univ. Feder. Bahia 2:169-98, 1947
Pedro de Almeida Magalhães, Brazilian physician (Vassouras, Rio de Janeiro 27 November 1864 – Benjamin Constant, Minas Gerais State 13 February 1909)
Described Almeida Magalhães sign
Percussão da fosseta de Mohrenheim para o diagnóstico precoce da tuberculose
First to report intermittent splitting in second heart sound and bruit de gallop in beriberi (Almeida Magalhães sign)
O coração no beriberi (1901)
Julio João Arthaud-Berthet, French-born Brazilian plant pathologist (Sainte Marie D’Alvey, Auvergne, Rhone Alpes Region, Savoie Department 1875 – São Paulo 13 March 1941) países
First reported the powdery mildew of mango caused by Oidium mangiferae (1914)
FRENCH PATENTS (With Anthelme Joseph Perrier)
Appareil de pasteurisation (1905)
Appareil pour le transport, la pulverisation et le dosage ou la … (1905)
Cesar Augusto da Costa Avila, Brazilian orthopedist and surgeon (Lages, Santa Catarina State 26 June 1906 – Porto Alegre 19 February 1974)
Developed some surgical techniques and improved others
Eponym of Cesar Avila zone for infantile appendicitis
Amadeo Amidei Barbiellini, Italian-born Brazilian agronomist (Ancona 11 July 1877 – Santos, São Paulo State 11 September 1955)
Gathered a rich entomological collection with a number of new species for science among them Hymenoptera, Diptera, Coleoptera and Odonata
As moscas das fructas. Entomol. Bras. 1 (1908)
Cultivai as amoreiras: o melhor conselho para favorecer a sericicultura no Brasil. A Lavoura. Bol. Soc. Nac. Agric. A 12(7), 1908
O pretenso damno e uma verdadeira utilidade das abelhas (fim). Entomol. Bras. 2(6-8):167, 1909
Um terrível inimigo das amoreiras. Entomol. Bras. 2:234-7, 1909
A maior mosca do mundo. Chácaras e Quintaes 51:62-3, 1935
Uma nova coleo-broca das nossas florestas. Chácaras e Quintaes 43: 245-7, 1935
Duas palavras sobre os dípteros asilídeos. Chácaras e Quintaes 51:335-6, 1935
Como combater o gafanhoto sul-americano. Combate biológico na Argentina. Outros meios de combate. Chácaras e Quintaes 61(5):657-60, 1940
No mundo dos insetos. Moscas gigantes brocando arvores. Chácaras e Quintaes 90(5):617, 1954
Caterpillar of Lilliaceae.Chácaras e Quintaes 90:731-3, 1954
Combate a praga do eucalipto no sul. Chácaras e Quintaes 91:191-2, 1955
Barbiellinia Bezzi 1922 (Diptera)
Otto Bender, German-born Brazilian agricultural engineer (Dresden 1883 – São Paulo 21 August 1961)
Designed and patented devices and accessories for land-surveying
Daniel Cargnin, Brazilian Catholic father and amateur paleontologist (Nova Palma, Rio Grande do Sul State 1930 – Mata, Rio Grande do Sul State 2002)
Collected new species of fossil vertebrates
Discovered specimens of cynodonts, dicynodonts and rhynchosaurs between 1956 to 1976 (p.ex. Protuberum cabralensis)
With I.S. Carvalho & A.C.S. Fernandes. Pegadas fósseis do Triassico da Bacia do Paraná (Grupo Rosario do Sul), Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Rev. Bras. Paleont. 2:71-2, 2001
Cargninia Bonaparte, Schultz, Soares & Martinelli 2010 (Fossil Reptilia)
Roberto Ruhman Daher, Brazilian gastroenterologist (Ipameri, Goiás State 1936 – Goiânia 13 May 2007)
From Lebanese descent
He was acting mayor of Goiania city (1977)
Known internationally for his work on hepatic parasitic infectious diseases
Digestive manifestations in yellow fever. Dig. Dis. Sci. 131:3825, 1986
With W.M.P. Vasconcelos & V.M. Cardoso. Fígado e blastomicose sul-americana. J. Bras. Med. 25:83, 1973
With J. Doles. Valor da determinação da atividade enzimática do soro sanguíneo no diagnóstico das enfermidades hepáticas. Rev. Goi. Med. 18:139, 1972
With W. Barbosa & A.R. Oliveira. Forma linfático-abdominal da blastomicose sul-americana. Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. S. Paulo 10(1):16-27, 1968
Osmar da Silva Fontenele, Brazilian fisheries biologist (Fortaleza 18 April 1915 – 1993)
Simplificação do processo de incubação artificial de ovos livres de peixe (Improvement of artificial incubation of fish free eggs) 1978
Um caracter secundario extragenital nos tucunarés (Actinopterygii, Cichlidae). Rev. Bras. Biol. 8(2):185-8, 1948
Domingos José Nogueira Jaguaribe Filho, Brazilian physician (Fortaleza 02 November 1847 – Santos, São Paulo State 14 November 1926)
He was Correspondent professor at Ecole de Psychologie de Paris
Invented Velo-aereo, a dirigible aerostat consisting of two balloons with wings (1897)
Solidonio Cavalcanti Lacerda, Brazilian radiologist (Cajazeiras, Paraiba State 30 July 1923 – Rio de Janeiro 01 March 2014)
Eponym of Solidonio Lacerda view / incidence for zygomatic / malar bone
Manuel da Gama Lobo, Brazilian ophthalmologist and histologist (Monte Alegre, Pará State 09 March 1835 – La Coruña, Spain 07 June 1883) países
His work Etudes sur la fievre jaune de 1873 et 1874 (1876) was praised in Europe and North America
In another work related ocular lesions to nutritional defficiencies or xerophthalmia
Da oftalmia brasiliana. Gaz. Med. Lisboa 16:430-4 & 17:466-9, 1865
Brasilianische Augenentzundung. Klin. Monatsbl. Augenheilkd 4:65-75, 1866
Hebe Helena Labarthe Martelli, Uruguayan-born Brazilian biochemist and microbiologist (31 May 1919 – 201?)
First in the world to study the production of vitamin A by yeasts
Isolated a new strain of bacteria that readily decomposes sulfonic compounds (1967)
Oxidation of sulphonic compounds by aquatic bacteria isolated from rivers of the Amazon region. Nature 216 (5121):1238-9, 1967
With S.M. Souza. Biochemistry of sulfonic compounds. III. Formation of a two carbon compounds during the oxidation of sulfo-acetate by a Pseudomonas strain. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 208:110-5, 1969
Adolpho Lietze, German-born Brazilian nurseryman (Potsdam 1839 – Rio de Janeiro 15 December 1907)
Collected a number of new plant species from Southeast of Brazil
Recognized as the greatest hybridist of caladiums of this day producing more than 600 varieties and hybrids spread over Brazil and the whole world
His Caladium hybrids and varieties obtained silver (Gand and Chicago) and gold (Dusseldorf 1904) medals at World Expositions
Luiza Cardoso May, Brazilian mycologist and plant pathologist (1917 –
With C.S. Hodges. A root disease of pine, araucária and eucalyptus in Brazil caused by a new species of Cylindrocladium. Phytopathology 62(8):898-901, 1972 (C. clavatum)
With C.S. Hodges & M.S. Reis. Duas enfermidades em plantações de essências florestais exóticas no Brasil. Brasil Florestal 4(15):5-12, 1973 (eucalyptus canker caused by Diaporthe cubensis)
Leonel Moro, Brazilian physicist, astronomer and filmmaker (Pinhalão, Paraná State 22 January 1925 – Curitiba 09 December 1984)
Invented and patented a three-dimensional process of cinematographic projection employing anamorphic lens analogous to CinemaScope named Moroscope or Cinereo3D
Dispositivo ocular para observar imagens planas com efeito tridimensional P3219156 (1953)
Developed a glass filter for radioactive residuals from nuclear reactors
Authored Um estudo da trisecção do angulo
Hugo Lodewijk Radino, Belgian-born Brazilian chemical engineer (Anvers 24 January 1924 –
Developed and patented INGA-Radino process, a new hydrometallurgic process for extraction of zinc from the calamine (1958)
Process of zinc extraction from ores formed by or containing zinc silicate or other soluble silicates by means of hydrometallurgy (1959) patents: US2874041A (1956), DE1040258B (1956), FR1174106A (1956) & AUS 224, 195 (1957)
Leaching of zinc ores containing soluble silicates CA580,901 (1959)
Ezequiel Correia dos Santos, Brazilian apothecary (Iguaçu, Rio de Janeiro State 10 April 1801 – Rio de Janeiro 28 December 1864)
With aid of Souillé and Dourado isolated alkaloid pereirine from Geissospermum vellosii (1833; published in 1838), independent from Berhend Goos, German pharmacist (1815-1885) that isolated it in 1839
The report of isolation of pereirine was published in Rev. Med. Fluminense 4:14-34, 1838
Vital Schunk, Brazilian amateur orchidologist (Marechal Floriano, Espírito Santo State 1951 –
Developed his own method of orchid cultivation
Discovered and collected new species of orchids
Honored in genus Schunkea Senghas 1994 (Orchidaceae)
Armando Tocchetto, Brazilian plant pathologist (Guaporé, Rio Grande do Sul State 09 July 1907 – Porto Alegre 18 March 1981)
Described the causative agent of grapevine fusariosis Fusarium oxysporum var. herbemontis in Rev. Agr. 209:82-9, 1954
Zireli de Oliveira Valença, Brazilian dermatologist (São José da Laje, Alagoas State 05 January 1934 – Maceió 23 December 2020)
Discovered Zireli sign / maneuver or skin stretching test for pityriasis versicolor (1974)
Nova manobra para diagnóstico da pitiríase versicolor (1979)
Germain Vert, French-born Brazilian plant pathologist (died Piracicaba, São Paulo 04 March 1908)
Authored influential work Le pollen, origine et transformation. Comp. Rend. hebd. Sean. Acad. Sci. 143 (24):977-9, 1906
Authored the first report of Eutinobothrus brasiliensis as cotton plant plague in Bol. Agric. S. Paulo (1905)