
Diego Estanislao Zavaleta Linares, Argentine surgeon (Salta 08 May 1904 – Buenos Aires 09 November 1989)

Developed techniques for repair using skin grafts and ventral hernia repair

With E. Marino introduced omental flaps in breast augmentation (1963)

With J.V. Uriburu developed a procedure to repair hernias using free full-thickness grafts (1950)


Breast biopsy. Surgical approach and technic for reaching the mammary nodules. Prensa Med. Arg. 55(8):386-8, 1968

With S.G. Perera & A.R. Suarez. Left pancreatectomy: method and technic. Prensa Med. Arg. 53(38):2041-5, 1966   

With R.F. Bun, J.A. Solian & E. Bresan. Costal relaxing incisions in the treatment of massive supraumbilical eventrations. Prensa Med. Arg. 52(21):1349-52, 1965

With H.G. Gugliotella & J. Alberti. Juxtacardial gastric ulcer. Procedure for reestablishment of gastrointestinal continuity. Prensa Med. Arg. 52(6):941-6, 1965

With E. Marino. Radical neck dissection. Surgical anatomy considerations and technique. Prensa Med. Arg. 50:919-24, 1963

With J.V. Uriburu. Procedure for the treatment of eventrations. Prensa Med. Arg. 38(35):2187-91, 1951   


Zavaleta-Bueno operating table for high surgery

Zavaleta-Bueno giant auto static separator for abdominal operations

A separator for great vessels

A cephalic dispositive for operations on face, neck and chest

A probe for papillotomy