
Emilio Henrique Baumgart, Brazilian civil engineer (Blumenau, Santa Catarina State 25 June 1889 – Rio de Janeiro 09 Oct 1943)

Son of German father


Created sucessive fluctuactions system applied to building bridges and related in reinforced concrete (1930); the process gained international fame and was applied later to Alveley bridge, England (1937)

Built A Noite edifice (Rio de Janeiro), world’s highest building in reinforced concrete of its day (1931) and the  Emilio Baumgart bridge (Santa Catarina), the world’s largest free span of this day in straight truss of full soul

Built the Railway bridge on Mucuri river, world Record for straight beam for this kind of bridge (1939)

Designed the world’s first hangar door with pivotant leaves in reinforced concrete (1930)

Introduced innovations in design, calculation and making of reinforced concrete

Introduced falsework in a wooden bow without intermediate support  

A new kind of retaining walls of reinforced concrete  

Used independent negative reinforcement in slabs

Introduced trusses and columns in L and T sections  

Conceived the use of reinforced concrete trusses as a arch centering (1938)

Built As Oficinas Gerais do Campo dos Afonsos (Rio de Janeiro) that display a number of innovations (1931)


Despite the world fame that gained he didn’t publish any paper or technical note. He gained fame when Norwegian engineer Rolf Schjoedt published a detailled article about the bridge that built in 1930 in “Long Rigid Frame Bridge Erected by Cantilever Method”. Engineering News Record p.208-9, 1931.