
Gabriel Guarneros Peña, Mexican molecular biologist (Ciudad de Mexico 08 July 1941 –


Discovered new bacteriophages infecting Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Entamoeba histolytica

Characterized novel genetic signals which regulate messenger RNA translation in prokaryotes

Discovered a minigene that regulates translation termination

Proposed a novel concept of retroregulation of gene expression

With V. Flores, A. Cazares, E.M. Adriaenssens, L. Kameyama, O. Sepulveda Robles, A. Kropinski & J.H. Kuhn described a new viral genus, Pamx74 virus (2016) 


Life Sciences Award, Montreal Interscience Association (2012)

International Howard Hughes Scholar, Howard Hughes Medical Institute (1991-6)