Gregorio Grigorievich Bondar, Ukrainian-born Brazilian agronomist (Zolotonosha District, Poltava Governorate, Ukraine 18 November 1881 – Salvador 20 February 1959)
Authored over 200 scientific works
At least 12 new species of plants of family Arecaceae
Nearly 400 new Insecta species
35 Genera and nearly 300 species of Coleoptera
11 Genera of Hemiptera
2 Genera of Thysanoptera
Discovered cassava bacterial blight
Uma nova doença bacteriana das hastes da mandioca. Chácaras e Quintais 5(4):15-18, 1912.
Described Xanthomonas campestris pv. manihotis, causal agent of cassava bacterial blight
Molestia bacteriana da mandioca. Boletim Agricultura 16:513-34, 1915
Discovered target spot
Insetos daninhos e moléstias da laranjeira no Brasil. Bol. Lab.Patol.Veg. Bahia 7:1-79, 1929.
Bondaria Sampson & Drews 1941 (Hemiptera)
Bondariella Hustache 1942 (Coleoptera)
Bondarius Rosado-Neto 2006 (Coleoptera)
Nearly 50 species bears his name