Guillermo Santos Mariano Bosch Arana, Argentine orthopedic surgeon (Buenos Aires 01 December 1885 – Buenos Aires 04 July 1939)
Authored over 100 works
Described one case of amputation in the upper third of the femur regarded as unique in the world literature
Bosch Arana method or cinematization of amputation stumps
Bosch Arana method for treatment of acute subungual hematoma
Designed a kinematical prosthesis
Nuova technica per le amputazioni cineplastica. Chir. Organ. Movim. 4:296, 1920
Nuovo ergografo per misurare la potenza dei motori cineplastici. La Clin. Chir. 5-6, 1920
Methode personnelle de cinematisation des inognons d’ amputations. J.Chir. 17:325-32, 1921
Eine neue method für kineplastiche operationen. Arch. f. Orthopäd. Unf. Chir. B 20(3), 1922