
Israel Nussenzveig, Brazilian physician (São Paulo 25 February 1923 – Sâo Paulo 15 January 2019)

From Jewish Polish family

Conceived open kidney puncture biopsy (1955) published in Rev. Paul. Medicina 55:311-5, 1959

Established an original mathematical correlation between the arterial pressure of arms and thigh enabling the computation of pressure in a segment

With B. Tranchesi, M.F. Lion, J.T.A. Tartari, T. Fujioka & J. Tranchesi. Pressão arterial nos membros superiors e inferiores em 600 indivíduos normais. Rev. Hosp. Clin. 15:51-76, 1950

Showed the presence of brain embolism in patients with chronic Chagas disease

With B.L. Wajchenberg, A. Spina-França, R. Macruz, J. Timoner & L.G. Serra Azul. Acidentes vasculares cerebrais embólicos na cardiopatia chagásica crônica. Arq. Neuropsiqu. 11:386-402, 1953

First report in medical literature to reproduce in man the nephrotic syndrome by utilization of aminonucleoside in lab animals

With J.B. Magaldi, C.V. de Faria & J.L. de Faria. Aminonucleoside induced nephrotic syndrome in human beings. Proc. 2nd Int. Congr. Nephrol. (1963)

First report in literature about the occurrence of a true polyuria in the diuretic phase

With J.B. Magaldi, E. Vasconcellos, E. Sabbaga, C. Villela de Faria, H. Pastore, T. Adachi & J.P. Rodrigues Lima. Acute renal failure produced by snake-bite of the Crotalus and Bothrops genera: occurrence of a true polyuria in the diuretic phase . IV Intern. Congr. Nephrol. (1969)

First to describe in literature the association of lupus erythematosus and relapsing nephrotic syndrome by minimal lesions glomerulopathy sensible to corticotherapy

With D. Nussenzveig. R.T. Barros, M.T. Barros & M. Marcondes. Lupus eritematoso e syndrome nefrótica por lesões mínimas: uma associação inusitada. XI Congr. Bras. Nefrol. (1982)

Anticipated the importance of protein-creatinine index for evaluation of 24-hour proteinuria

With M.S. Pestalozzi, G. Bueno Idel, R.T. Barros, L. Baccu & M.M. Machado. Protein/creatinine index in isolated samples of urine for evaluation of 24-hour proteinuaria. Rev. Hosp. Clin. Fac. Med. São Paulo 44(2):58-62, 1989