Rudolf Jaffe, German-born Jewish Venezuelan anatomical pathologist (Berlin 14 October 1885 – Caracas 13 March 1975)
Authored 3 books and about 200 papers
Described a chronic myocarditis in tropical diseases such as bilharziosis and leishmaniasis (1944)
With C. Domínguez. On extramedullary leukocyte formation in the rat connective tissue. Frankf. Z. Pathol. 73:1-9, 1963
With C. Kozma. Organ-specific antibody formation and its demonstration by latex precipitation. Verh. Dtsch. Ges. Pathol. 46:185, 1962
On findings in cardiac ganglia in Chagas myocarditis. Klin. Wochenschr. 39:1083-4, 1961
With C. Kozma & W. Jaffe. Experimental study of the pathogenesis of myocarditis. Arq. Bras. Cardiol. 13:55-61, 1960
The bilharzian liver. Arq. Cir. Clin. Exp. 23:1-10, 1960
With C. Domínguez. Importancia del factor hipoavitaminosis B1 de la miocarditis alérgica experimental (1954)
With R. Ferro. El diagnostico de la bilharzia en el material de autopsia. Rev. Policlin. Caracas 25:88, 1946
Apendicitis y apendicopatias: tentativa de uma explicación y clasificación de las lesiones apendiculares. Rev. Sudam. Morfol. (1945)
Sobre la patogenia de la miocarditis. Rev. Minist. Saude As. Social (1943)
Sobre la patogenia de las lesions anatomo-patologicas bilharzianas. Rev. Policlin. Caracas 50:3-321, 1940
Casos atípicos de enfermedad de Hodgkin (1938)
Lesiones intestinales producidas por la bilharziosis mansoni encontradas en Venezuela. Rev. Policlin. Caracas (1939)
With F. Pifano & M. Mayer. Estudios biologicos y anatomopatologicos en animales infestados con un solo sexo de Schistosoma mansoni.
His son, Werner Carl Günther Jaffe, German-born Venezuelan biochemist (Frankfurt 27 October 1914 – Caracas 03 May 2009)
Authored over 250 publications
Discovered independently the vitamin B12 as a new nutritional factor (1946) and purified it with Elvehjem (1947)
With C.A. Elvehjem. Fractionation of growth-stimulation factor in liver. J. Biol. Chem. 169(2):287-93, 1947
Obtained new plant proteins
Isolated phaseolotoxin a toxic lectin
With K. Gaede. Purification of a toxic phytohemagglutinin from black kidney beans (Phaseolus vulgaris). Nature 183:1329, 1959
With Dinah Sharon de Seidl isolated and characterized distinct groups of black beans hemagglutinins
Discovered hurain, a new plant protease from Hura crepitans (1943)
With D.S. de Seidl described crepitin (1969)
With D. Seidl & M. Jaffé proposed the term globulin proteinase inhibitor
With O. Brucher & A. Palazzo. Detection of four types of specific phytohemagglutinins in different lines of beans (Phaseolus vulgaris). Z. Immunitatsforsch. Exp. Klin. Immunol. 142(5):439-47, 1971
A subtilisin inhibitor in bean seeds and leaves. Ann. Rep. Bean Improv. Coop. (1978)
Discovered the amino acid methionine as limiting essential aminoacid in plant proteins of legume seeds
Limiting essential aminoacids of some legume seeds. Proc. Soc. exp. Biol. Med. 71:398-9, 1949
Discovered the mitogenetic effect of Concanavaline A
With M. Weksler & A. Levy. Mitogenetic effects of extracts of Canavalia ensiformis and concanavalina A. Acta Cient. Venez. 19(4):154-6, 1967
Authored the paper Influence of cobalt on reproduction of mice and rats. Science 115 (2984): 265-, 1952
With F. Chavez J.. The possible use of sesame flour for human consumption. Arch. Latinoam. Nutr. 21(1):31-48, 1971
Proposed formulations for improving the wheat and maize flours
Elaborated an alternate to milk named Lactovisoy
With M.J. Guerra, D. Gonzalez & M. Calderón. Formulation of a rice-based beverage of high nutritive value. Arch. Latinoam. Nutr. 31(2):337-49, 1981
Formulated Formula Lactea Materno Infantil (1980s)
With D. S. Seidl, E. Gonzalez & A. Callejas. Microelectrophoretic method for the detection of proteinase inhibitors. Anal. Biochem. 88:417-24, 1978
With J.F. Chavez, M.C. Mondragón & N. Di Geronimo. Metodo rápido para determinación de digestibilidad por el uso del oxido crómico en dietas de ratas. Arch. Latinoam. Nutric. 21:337-45, 1971
Una nueva modificación para la separación de azúcares por cromatografia sobre papel. Acta Cient. Venez. 12:135-6, 1961
With P. Budowski. Metodo rápido para determinar el contenido de aceite en la semilla de ajonjoli. Publ. Min. Agric. (1946)
A simple method for the approximate estimation of the isoelectric point of soluble proteins. J. Biol. Chem. 148: 185, 1943