
Shyamala Dixit Chitaley, Indian / US palaeobotanist (Nasik, Maharashtra State 15 February 1918 – Ashland, Massachusetts, USA 31 March 2013)

Born Shyamala Dixit


With D.V. Chitaley. New technique of preparing specimens for herbarium. Sci. Cult. 30:341, 1964

An improved method of mounting fossil sections. Ann. Bot. 29:225-7, 1965

With S.U. Deshpande. A new method of pollen preparation. J. Palynol. 5(2):128, 1969

With M.Z. Patel. A new technique for permanent preparations of fossil microflora. Jour. Palyn. 5(2):132-3, 1970

With D.V. Chitaley. A new technique for preparing permanent stained microslides (1970)

A technique of preserving fossilized material in coal balls using wax or a paraffin wax technique for preserving pyritic coal balls (Chitaley technique)

A new technique for thin sections of pyritized permineralizations. Rev. Palaeobot. Palynol. 45:301-6, 1985


Acanthacioxylon 1970 with Patil

Aerophyllites 1971 with Patil

Aerorhizos 1968

Apocynaceoxylon 1970 with Paradkar & Subnedar

Bisporangistrobus 1988

Clevelandodendron 1996 with Pigg

Daberocarpon 1973 with Sheikh

Deccananthus 1974 with Kate

Deccanites 1985 with Kapgate & Sheikh

Deccanostrobus 2007 with Kapgate & Awasthi

Dicotyloxylon 1971 with Patel

Graminocarpon 1971 with Sheikh

Harrisocarpon 1973 with Nambudiri

Harrisostrobus 1973 with Sheikh

Helminthosporites 1971 with Sheikh

Keraocarpon 1999 with Ohana & Kimura

Krempocarpon 1974 with Kate

Krempogonium 2004 with Nambudiri & Yawale

Marsileaites 2004 with Nambudiri

Nothothylites 1980 with Yawale

Pantea 1977 with Yawale

Perrottettioxylon 1971 with Patil & Hunnargikar

Prakashites 1977 with Yawale

Raoanthus 1975 with Patel

Rhamnoxylon 1972 with Kate

Sahniocarpon 1973 with Patil

Salvinites 1991 with Nambudiri

Smeadia 2004 with Li

Sonneratiorhizos 1969

Surangea 1972 with Sheikh

Triloculaire 1974 with Patel

Xinjiangostrobus 2002 with Mai & Dou

Pollen/ Sporae

Rhamnacidites 1951

Tetradomonoporites 1951


Azolla deccaniana 1991 with Nambudiri

Monosulcites medius 1951


Chitaloxylon Sheikh 1971 (Plantae)

Chitaleypushpam Paradkar 1971 (Plantae)

Chitaleocarpon Kapgate 2000 (Plantae)

Chitaleya Prasad et al. 2005 (Phytolith)