
Jean Prosper Abraham, Malagasy forester, ecologist and botanical collector (Antsahanoro, Antalaha 01 January 1930 – Périnet May 1996)


With J.U. Ganzhorn, S. Sommer, M. Ade et al. Mammals of the Kirindy Forest with special emphasis on Hypogeophis antimena and the effects of logging on the small mammal fauna. Primate Report 46(1):215-32, 1996

With R. Benja, M. Randrianasolo. J.U. Ganzhorn, V.Jeannoda & E.G. Leigh. Tree diversity on small plots in Madagascar: a preliminary review. Revue d’Ecologie (La Terre et la vie) 51:93-116, 1996

Guide pour la reconnaissance de quelques espéces d’arbres de la réserve à Indri d’Analamazoatra-Andasibe (1996)

With J.U. Ganzhorn. A possible role of plantations for Lemur conservation in Madagascar. Food for folivorous species. Folia primatol. 56:171-6, 1991

With U. Schroff. Clef de determination de 56 essences ligneuses des fôrets denses seches de la côte ouest de Madagascar (1991)

With J.U. Ganzhorn, A.W. Ganzhorn, L. Andiamanarivo & A. Ramananjatovo. The impact of selective logging on forest structure and tenrec populations in western Madagascar. Oecologhia 84:126-33, 1990

With J.U. Ganzhorn & M. Razanahoera-Rakotomalala. Some aspects of the natural history and food selection of Avahi laniger. Primates 26:452-63, 1985


Abrahamia Randrianasolo & Louis (Anacardiaceae)