
José Zaclis, Romanian-born Brazilian neuroradiologist (Telenesti, Moldavia 15 February 1917 – São Paulo 20 October 1983)

Developed many surgical techniques

Modification on the technique of peripheral neurectomy for treatment of trigeminal neuralgia. Arq. Neuropsiq. 7(1):29-30, 1949

As neurectomias periféricas no tratamento das neuralgias do trigêmeo. Arq. Neuropsiqu. 9:228-75, 1951

Authored the thesis Pan-angiografia cerebral por hipertensão pulmonary (1958) translated into many languages in which described the technique of cerebral pan-angiography by means of injection of contrast medium into a single artery while simultaneously producing transient intrathoracic hypertension

A new method of cerebral angiography. Arch. Neuropsiqu. S. Paulo 17:1-22, 1959

Developed a modified Valsalva manoeuvre (1964)

With R. Zaclis. A new method of surgical treatment for carotid-cavernous fistula (1973)