
Juan Carlos Muzzio Passanante, Argentine astronomer (Buenos Aires 19 January 1946 –

From Italian and Spanish descent

Discovered hundreds of objects and H-alpha emitting stars

Discovered asteroids 3666 Holman and 7372 Emimar (in honor to his daughters) in 1972

Predicted the existence of galaxy satellites of masses intermediate between galaxies and globular clusters

Discovered and named globular cluster swapping

With J.C. Forte & R.E. Martínez. On the origin of the globular cluster system of M87. Astron. J. 87(11):1465, 1982

Discovered that dwarf stars are totally destroyed, but the core survives and becomes like a globular cluster of giant stars

With L.P. Bassino & L.P. Rabolli. Are globular clusters the nuclei of cannibalized dwarf galaxies? Astrophys. J. 431:634-9, 1994

Showed the role of chaos in elliptic galaxies (2000)

Chaos in elliptic galaxies (2001)

Showed that chaotic stellar motion occurs in galactic satellites

With D.D. Carpintero, M.M. Vergne & F.C. Wachlin. Chaotic orbits in galactic satellites. Celest. Mech. Dynam, Astron. 85(3):247-67, 2003

Showed the existence of partially chaotic orbits

Partially chaotic orbits in a perturbed cubic force model. Monthly Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 471(4):4099-10, 2017


With M. Muzzio, C.M. Bravi & G. Bailliet. A method for assignment of weight of characters. Amer. J. Phys. Anthrop. 143(3):488-92, 2010

A simple method to compensate softening effects in N-body simulations of spherical stellar systems. Rev. Mex. Astron. Astrofis. 41(1):41-4, 2005

With F.C. Wachlin & G.B. Rybicki. A perturbation particle method for stability studies of stellar systems. Mont. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 262(4):1007-12, 1993

With F.C. Wachlin. Un sistema unidimensional con caracteristicas de estabilidad similares ao problema de Jeans. Bol. Asoc. Argent. Astron. 37:48, 1992

With M.M. Vergne. On the minimum distance cutoff for stellar encounters. Astrophys. Lett. Comm. 27:23-5, 1988

With M.M. Vergne. Nuevo esquema de calculo para simulaciones numericas de cumulos de galáxias. Bol. Asoc. Argent. Astron. 31:440, 1985

With H.G. Marraco. Un metodo para la determinación de periodos de estrellas variables. Bol. Asoc. Argent. Astron. La Plata 21:228, 1982

With R. Platzeck & H.G. Marraco. Prisma “no objectivo”. Bol. Asoc. Argent. Astron. La Plata 20:192, 1981

With H.G. Marraco. An improved method to derive periods of cyclic phenomena. Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific 92(549):700, 1980


6505 Muzzio (Asteroid)