Julio Maria Sosa Soumastre, Uruguayan histologist and neurologist (Mercedes 01 July 1906 – 1976)
Internationally respected as an authority on Golgi apparatus
El aparato de Golgi en la corteza cerebelosa en la avitaminosis experimental y en algunos estados fisiologicos. An. Inst. Neurol. 1:327-42, 1929
L’appareil de Golgi dans la corne d’Ammon. Compt. Rend. Soc. Biol. 844-7, 1931
Las variaciones fisiologicas del aparato de Golgi en las celulas de Purkinje del cerebrelo (1931)
With J. A. Menegazzi. L’appareil de Golgi des neurones de Helix aspersa. Arch. Soc. Biol. Montevideo 9:157-64, 1939
With W. Andrew. Heterotopic neurons of the sensory type in the intramedullary portion of the motor roots. J. Comp. Neurol. 86:167-82, 1947
On the morphological, chemical and physico-chemical significance of the Golgi apparatus. Rev. Sud-amer. Morphol. 6:3-21, 1948
Metagolgiomas (1948)
Vitamin C microscope demonstration and Golgi apparatus. Exp. Cell Res. 3:184-91, 1952
Factors determining the specificity of fixation for demonstrating Golgi apparatus with Cajal silver method and variations. Anal. Rec. 115:441, 1953
With N.B. de Zorrilla. Morphological variations of the Golgi apparatus in spinal ganglion nerve cells related to aging. Acta Anat. 64:475, 1966
With N.B. de Zorrilla. Spinal ganglion cytological responses to axon and to dendrite sectioning. Acta Anat. 65(1):236-55, 1966
With E. Palacios & H.M. Sosa. Heterotopic cerebellar granule cells inside the plexiform layer. Acta Anat. 80:91-8, 1971
With H.M. Sosa. The multiplication of nerve cells by amitotic division during extrauterine life in mammals. Acta Anat. 82(4):579-05, 1972
Modificaciones de la red neurofibrilar em correlación com la acumulación pigmentaria em las neuronas
The Golgi apparatus of striated muscle fibre
Heteromorphodromie neuronale
Contribución al studio de las variaciones patologicas del aparato de Golgi de la neuroglia
Aging of the Golgi apparatus in nerve cells
Une nouvelle reaction de l’appareil de Golgi