
Suisheng Xia, Chinese transplant surgeon (Yuyao, Zhejiang Province 19 April 1924 – Wuhan 16 April 2019)


With L.X. Xiu. Spleen transplantation. I. Vascularized heterotopic autotransplantation of hemispleen in dog. J. Tongju Med. Univ. (2008)

With Z. Chen. The technique of heterotopic heart-lung transplantation in the rat. Acta Acad. Medic. Wuhan (2008)

With Z. Chen. Improved orthotopic liver transplantation in rats. Chim. J. Org. Transplant. Acta Acad. Medic. Wuhan 5(2):50-3, 1984

With Z. Chen. A new technique of orthotopic liver transplantation in the rat. Acta Acad. Medic. Wuhan 3:143-6, 1983

With Z. Chen. Modified technique of heterotopic heart allotransplantation in the rat. Acta Acad. Medic. Wuhan 2:217-22, 1982

With Z. Wu. Zur technik der Anastomosierung der suprahepatischen. V. cava inferior bei der orthotopen Lebertransplantation. Acta Acad. Medic. Wuhan 2:87-90, 1982