
Sunil Kumar Bose, Indian mycologist and plant pathologist (1922 – 1983)


A leaf-spot disease of the dwarf hill date palm Phoenix humilis caused by Apiosphaera indica sp.nov. Ind. Phytopathol. 28:574-5, 1975

With A.J. Roy. Leaf spot disease of pear in Kumaon caused by Mycosphaerella chaubahattiensis sp.nov. Progr. Hortic. 1(4):57-62, 1970

With S.C. Mathur. A new leaf spot disease of Castor, Ricinus communis L. Curr. Sci. 18:210-1, 1949


With A.K. Hazra & B.C. Guha. A rapid method of surveying fungi of cellulolytic power. Sci. Cult. 24:39-40, 1958

With S.K. Majumdar. Mycobacillin, a new antifungal antibiotic produced by Bacillus subtilis. Nature 181:134, 1958


Acantharia quercus dilatataea 1965 with Muller

Actinopeltis acicola 1967 with Muller

Actinopeltis ciliaris 1964 with Muller

Actinotexis indica 1962

Apioclypea indica 1975

Coccoidella quercifolia 1964 with Muller

Ferrarisia quercina 1965 with Muller

Herpotrichia australis 1961

Herpotrichia pandei 1961

Herpotrichia petrakiana 1960

Iremopsis crataegi 1962

Johansonia arxii 1964 with Muller

Johansonia micheliae 1965 with Muller

Keissleriella alpina 1961

Keissleriella mediterranea 1961

Lophomerum quercus 1965 with Muller

Massaria himalayensis 1962

Massarina australis 1961

Massarina brunaudii 1961

Massarina cisti 1961

Massarina coccifera 1961

Massarina dryopteridis 1961

Massarina juniperi 1961

Massarina lonicerae 1967 with Muller

Massarina maritima 1961

Massarina parasitica 1965 with Muller

Massarina spiraea 1961

Microcallis negii 1959 with Muller

Microcallis smilacis 1965 with Muller

Micropeltidium crataegi 1962

Microthyrium bicilatum 1964

Microthyrium pieridis 1964 with Muller

Mycosphaerella chaubahattiensis 1970 with Roy

Otthia indica 1965 with Muller

Pandora brahminae 1953 with Mehta

Pestalotia jeolikotensis 1970

Phillipsiella smilacis 1963 with Muller

Phyllosticta bosensis 1949 with Mathur

Phyllosticta hederae 1970 with Roy & Jain

Plagiostromella berberidis 1979 with Muller

Plagiostromella indica 1979 with Muller

Plagiostromella leptodermidis 1979 with Muller

Pseudophacidium kumaonense 1964 with Muller

Pyrenopeziza appendiculata 1965 with Muller

Schizothyrium crenulatae 1962

Sphaerulina quercifolia 19064 with Muller

Wentiomyces pandei 1962