
Eurico de Azevedo Villela, Brazilian physician (Teresopolis, Rio de Janeiro State 10 September 1883 – Rio de Janeiro 08 March 1962)

Described Chagasic cardiopathy

With C. Chagas. Forma cardíaca de trypanosomiase americana. Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz 14(1):5-61, 1922 

Developed anti scorpion serum (1906)

A simple device for the application of DDT larvicide. Trans. Royal Soc. Trop. Med. Hyg. 40(3):353-4, 1946

His son, Eudoro Libanio Villela, biomedical researcher (Vargem Grande do Sul, São Paulo State 02 August 1907 – São Paulo 18 April 2001)

He is most known as banker

Described histopathologically the fatal cases of yellow fever in which are found accumulations of pigment in Kupffer cells (Villela bodies)

Histology of human yellow fever when death is delayed. Arch. Path. 31:665-9, 1941

Improved the Rio Hortega technique for identifying tumors (Rio Hortega-Villela method)